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Be Confident in Your Calling! - Victoria Boyson

by Victoria Boyson
Jun 5, 2004

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The Birth of Your Destiny
by Victoria Boyson
$12.95 Book


by Victoria Boyson

I wonder if Jesus came to the earth today, and taught what He taught 2000 years ago, would we accept Him? Or would we deem Him arrogant and conceited or even possessed by the devil as many of the Jewish people did then?

When the son of Mary and Joseph first came on to the world's scene, the Jews accepted Him as being a man of God. They welcomed the healing and deliverance He brought them. They embraced His wisdom. They enjoyed the blessing of the miracles He performed.

They Thought Jesus Was Crazy

But when Jesus said that He was the Bread of Life (see John 6:35), they turned their backs on Him (see John 6:66). When He referred to Himself as the Light of the world (see John 8:12), they thought He was demon possessed (see John 8:48). When He promised them eternal life through His Life (see John 6:54), it was a difficult concept for them to grasp.

It's ironic how we stand back 2000 years later and judge them for their lack of understanding. But to them, Jesus was just a man. Hindsight is always much clearer. But today if a young man in his early thirties showed up at our churches making extraordinary claims about himself, we would probably show Him the door.

Jesus knew who He was, and He knew the authority that God had given Him. He understood what His mission was on earth. He was confident in His calling. He was, indeed, the Light of the world...and so are we!

God Has Chosen To Show Himself To The World Through Us

If we have Christ's Spirit dwelling in us, then we are the light of the world. We are God's ambassadors. God has chosen to show Himself to the world through us. And, until His return, we are the representation of Christ on earth. What an incredible calling! What a mission! What a responsibility!

If we are to truly represent Christ, we must first know Him and then walk in the authority He walked in. He knew who He was, and He lived accordingly. So, if we are to represent Him properly, we must do the same.

Jesus knew God - He was Jesus' Father. If we truly know God and receive Him as our Father, then we will trust Him to fulfill His word through us. We will show the world the power of God through the authority we have received in Jesus Christ (see Matthew 28:18-20).

e must be different from the world!

If we are to display His power and Glory on this earth, then we must strive to live as He lived. We must stop excusing our compromises with this world's system. We should live as though we are strangers in this world - it is not our home. Our home is with our heavenly Father. We are His children, and we must choose to govern our lives by His standards. Accepting the world's way of living and governing our lives by its standards is putting ourselves at enmity with God (see James 4:4).

We are truly not of this world - we are not of this earthly kingdom. We are a part of the kingdom of heaven, and we must be different from the world if we are to allow His light to shine through us in this world. Indeed, it is not our righteousness that will light the world, but it is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts. But our light will not shine as bright if we are in bondage to the same sins that plague the world.

You Are A Gift To The World - Sent To Fulfill His Promised Word.

If we know who we are, and the importance of the function we play in the kingdom of God, we will not allow ourselves to become entangled in the things that hold this world in bondage. We are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (see 2 Cor. 5:21). What an awesome responsibility. God has entrusted us with the responsibility of bringing His salvation to the world. Every prayer we pray, every word we speak, and every decision we make in life should be made with the reality of the call that is on our life.

God is looking for those who will pick up the call and make it their life. He is looking for those who will lose their life, but find His life in the process. Man or woman, rich or poor, slave or free, Jew or Gentile, it does not matter (see Gal. 3:28). Will you accept this calling? Will you let it change your life? Will you give Him your life, your choices, your fears and even your failings?

If you give up your life - the plans that you have made for yourself - and live only for the Lamb of God, then you will surely find life (see Matt. 10:39). Only then can we walk as He walked and in the authority He walked in. You will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover because you will know that it was for this purpose you were born. You are a gift to the world, sent to fulfill His promised Word.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" (Heb. 12:1).

The great crowd of witnesses is in heaven waiting for you to rise and take up the mantle of the gospel of peace. They are even now praying for God to raise up men and women who will shine the light of Jesus Christ on a lost and dying world. The light of Jesus shining richly through you is the hope of heaven (see Col. 1:27)!

Live As If You're Walking In Your Destiny - Even If You're Not Yet

We are the resting place of God - His holy place. "Where is the house you can build for me?" (Isa. 66:1). God does not live in a house made by human hands, but He has built His home in us. We are the dwelling place of God - the showcase for His glory - we are His holy place.

In the temple that Solomon built there were many places for the people to come and worship. But the Holy of Holies was reserved for God's Glory. Those who would enter His holy place must first purify themselves or they would die because of the presence of His glory. If we are to be His dwelling place (see 1 Cor. 3:16), we too must purify ourselves. We can be purified by the blood of the Lamb and live our lives as vessels who are set a part for sacred purposes. We are not to function as the world does, but we must conduct ourselves as Christ would - not out of pride, but in humility as an act of love and worship to our Lord.

We have the same decisions to make as the world does, but we must make these choices in the light of the calling on our life - in the light of our God given destiny. Even if we are not yet walking fully in our destiny, it does not matter - we need to live now as though we were.

Give Him Your Life - Let His Light Shine Through You!

We, as the house of the Lord, are to live our lives as unto the Lord. Some might argue that it is not possible to live pure lives, but we must realize that there is no shame in failure if our goal is to live for Him.

God is looking for a place to rest - a place where His Spirit can dwell. He wants that place to be in you. He wants His glory to dwell in you and to radiate from you. Will you prepare a place for Him? Will you give Him your heart and let Him make it His home? Will you give Him your life and let His light shine through you?

You are the light of the world - the salt of the earth - a city set on a hill (see Matt. 5:13-14). If you do not live for Him, then the earth has lost its light and heaven has lost its hope. Live for Him and in Him and through Him. If you do, you will light the world!

Victoria Boyson

Victoria Boyson, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2003-2004
All rights reserved

"The Birth of Your Destiny"
It Is Time To Give Your Life To Your Dreams

by Victoria Boyson
$12.95 Book

We are excited to announce the recent release of Victoria Boyson's new book, The Birth of Your Destiny.

God wants to give you a dream for your future and implant the seeds of destiny in your heart. Just like a baby hidden in the womb, so are the promises God has given to us. He speaks to us of our future, to conceive within us His will and purpose for our lives.

Giving birth to your destiny is a difficult and exhausting process, but inevitably your misery will turn into joy, and you will produce the product of grace that you have always dreamed of. You are much too close to the end to give up now. How do I know this? You have this book in your hands. Experience an impartation of God's grace and faith to fulfill all that He has for you.

"The Birth Of Your Destiny not only instructs you about theological facts pertaining to destiny, but the fact that this book is in your hands tells me that you are well on your way to the fulfillment of your destiny. It will provide important keys to unlocking the fullness of God's plan for your life." - By Francis Frangipane

Here Is Another Testimony:

I just finished reading your book. When I picked it up to read the back cover yesterday morning, a lump formed in my throat and tears came to my eyes. I knew God was going to do some work in me through this book. And He certainly is. I'm going through a very difficult time right now with many decisions to make, and I simply didn't know which way to turn. But thanks to your obedience to the Lord, I am assured that everything's going to be more than ok, and I can put the decisions in God's Hand and trust Him. - J.R.

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