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"How to Have Every-Day Victory Through Communion"

Jamie Rohrbaugh
Jun 8, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz

This is a most excellent teaching about the power of communion and the personal breakthrough we can experience with it.

We've had our readers ask us to share more teaching messages as well, and that's exactly what you're going to get here from Jamie Rohrbaugh.

Read this awesome article and drink deep in the power of communion with Christ. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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The Power of the Lord's Supper

Are you sensing intense spiritual warfare in your life and family – spiritual warfare that threatens to destroy your health, marriage, children, finances, ministry and more? If so, I believe one of THE most important ways you can secure the victory Christ has for you right now is to take communion (the Lord's Supper) every day.

A few months ago, the Lord began whispering to me about a 40-day communion challenge, telling me to take communion every day. Immediately when I began the practice of daily communion, I saw major breakthroughs, noticeable victories in spiritual warfare, extra grace on my daily activities and ministry work, an outpouring of the Lord's provision, physical healing, increased wisdom, clearer thought patterns and more.

I believe the unbridled, Dunamis power of the Lord's Supper is exactly why the enemy has sown so many lies into people's minds about this meal.

There is a lot of fallacy among Believers about the Lord's Supper. Many people believe that a person may only receive communion if it is administered to them by a priest or pastor. Nevertheless, remember this: WE are kings and priests unto our God (1 Peter 2:9); Jesus commanded us to partake of His Body and Blood often (1 Corinthians 11:26); and "...there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5).

The same way you can and should confess your sins directly to God (no priest needed), and the same way you receive forgiveness directly from God by the Blood of Jesus, you also have unlimited access by a new and living way, directly into the throne room of God. It's the shed Blood of Jesus that gets us there, and we should continue receiving the power of His Blood as it goes on cleansing us perpetually.

Taking communion is a powerful act that demonstrates our faith in God. It is something that Jesus said we would do "often," but which most Christians rarely do in actual practice. Isn't it time to get ourselves into alignment with His expectation? I believe it is. I also believe that taking the Body and Blood of Jesus is the ONLY way to win many of the battles the enemy is sending against us in this hour.

I believe that the Lord's Supper is THE most effective tool we have to cut through the rebellion, witchcraft, curses and other tools of darkness that the enemy is using to put confusion, destruction, sickness, hindrances and obstacles, delays and discouragement on God's people. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

How to Take Communion at Home

It's time that we stand up in Christ and decide not to tolerate the enemy's advances any longer. And one of the primary ways we can do that is by pleading the Body and Blood of Jesus over our lives through the act of taking communion every day. If you're not sure how to begin, here's how to take communion at home:

First, get your heart right with God. The Bible tells us of the consequences of taking communion (at home or anywhere else) if our hearts aren't right, as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:27-34:

"Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s Body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. And the rest I will set in order when I come."

In this passage Paul wrote to people whose hearts were not right with God when they took communion. They were coming together to the Lord's Supper when they were hungry, so they were eating the bread and cup like a buffet. They were eating of these sacred elements to satisfy their own hunger, not as a sacred remembrance of the Lord. Therefore Paul rebuked them. He also told them that their inattention to the sacredness of this ceremony was actually killing some of them. He urged them to:

• Examine themselves before ever putting the bread and cup to their lips.
• Act soberly and with decorum, not coming together like a herd of hungry sheep, each vying to get to the bread first.
• Be sure they had already eaten before they took the sacred elements, so that they weren't doing so to satiate their hunger.

This is why the first step to taking communion at home, or anywhere, is to examine ourselves.

Can't You Talk Louder, God?

How do you examine yourself before taking communion? Holy Spirit will lead you, but I can share what I do. When I sit down to take the Lord's Supper, I follow this general sequence of events:

• I stop and pray first.
• I ask the Lord to reveal to me if I have any unconfessed, unrepented sin.
• If I do, then I repent of it and confess it right away.
• I also ask the Lord to cover me with His Blood and fill me anew and afresh with His Spirit.
• I focus my mind on Jesus.
• I imagine Him hanging on the Cross and I remember the Blood He poured out for me.
• I look at Him and thank Him for dying for me and for forgiving my sins.
• I commit myself to Him anew and afresh.
• I thank Him for His sacrifice that saved me from death and gave me eternal life with Him.
• I eat the bread/wafer and drink the grape juice (representing His Body and Blood).

No matter how you do it, ask Holy Spirit to help you get right with God before you take communion at home or anywhere else. After you get your heart right with God, eat and drink of the communion elements.

What communion elements should you use, and where do you get them? That part is easy! I like to simply purchase grape juice and unleavened, unseasoned bread/crackers from the grocery store. You could also purchase individual servings of prepackaged communion elements either online or at Christian bookstores. They are easy to use, create little mess, and are easy to carry with you.

Keep in mind that communion is not supposed to fill you up physically if you're hungry. Remember that point from the passage above in 1 Corinthians 11? The apostle Paul was very clear about this: Communion is a sacred time with the Lord, not a main course or a regular meal.

A Declaration and a Prayer

When you take communion, plead the Body and Blood of our Savior over your life out loud. Here is the declaration and prayer that I use:

In the name of Jesus, I apply the Blood and Body of Jesus Christ to my life and the lives of my family members; to our safety, our finances, our ministry, our work and everything that pertains to us. With the Blood of Jesus, and in the name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, witchcraft and enemy assignment against me or my family. Every evil thing falls to the ground right now, broken and of no effect, in the name of Jesus. (Photo via Unsplash)

In the name of Jesus, I loose God's holy protection over me, over my family and loved ones and over everything that pertains to us. I decree that my family and I and everything that pertains to us are hidden in the secret place of the Most High, for we dwell under the shadow of God's wings. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to cover me and my family and everything that pertains to us. Keep us safe and protect us. Bless us hugely.

Lord Jesus, I loose Your holy flow, Your healing, resurrection life, joy, peace, righteousness, power and Your perfect shalom – nothing missing, nothing broken – into my life and into the lives of all my family. In Jesus' name, amen.

This declaration is powerful, and it produces real results! The Lord's supper is a POWERFUL meal. The enemy has no power against the Blood of Jesus.

You can receive the Lord's Supper whether you are at church or at home. You can receive it in the company of other Believers, or you can partake when you are alone with God. You can (and, I believe, should) take communion daily. As long as you make sure your heart is right with God first, this meal will produce victory in your life as you apply Jesus' Body and Blood to everything that concerns you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker, and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, personal revival, and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Jamie Rohrbaugh's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

June 21, 2019
Advanced Study Webinar: Understanding Dreams, Visions and Strange Events #3
(For more itinerary information click here)

June 22, 2019
Advanced Study Webinar: Understanding Dreams, Visions and Strange Events #4
(For more itinerary information click here)

July 13, 2019
School of the Prophets: Abundance
Residence Inn and Conference Center Near Hamilton
Chattanooga, Tennessee
(For more itinerary information click here)

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