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"Steve Shultz: Finally, Here's EXACTLY What God's Voice Sounds Like!"

Steve Shultz
Feb 24, 2018

February 24, 2018

"Steve Shultz: Finally, Here's EXACTLY What God's Voice Sounds Like!"

Are you like me? Are you frustrated that so many want you to listen to the voice of God, but you have NO IDEA what God's Voice even sounds like?

So how are you supposed to listen to HIM?

Yes, most people know that HE speaks in that "still small voice" so they get quiet and start listening. But...NOTHING HAPPENS!

Please let me help you on this. You are going to be amazed.

I once told my wife this—who had the same issue. I said to her, "If you knew how little I heard—when I hear God speak, you would be amazed, Derene—you might not even believe it!"

I would prophesy to person after person in a meeting and she would "complain" (for lack of a better word) that she wished she could hear the Lord like I hear the Lord.

Let me tell you a story that is going to TRULY HELP YOU!

Did I Really Hear God?

I was 18 years old and the job I had then, I loved. I worked for an interesting man...his name was "Gene White" and his business was to work for and make things for Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and the Movieland Wax Museum in California.

Come on. Who wouldn't love that? He even created the "set" inside the Knotts Berry Farm log ride...the winter set with the growling bear. How cool!

At the end of the day, one Friday afternoon, I said goodbye to everyone, and headed for the car. Suddenly, at the car door, I shouted, "Oh no! I forgot to pick up my check."

Running inside again, I grabbed the paycheck and I was back in the car with my brother heading home for the 45 minute drive—it took me only seconds to do this.

The moment we exited at our turnoff in Riverside, CA, we came upon an accident and we were the first to do so. It had happened only seconds earlier. We knew this because this was a well-used turn-off.

There was a massive steel beam from the freeway work above that had just crushed the cab of a mini-pickup.

Jumping out of our car, it was eerie Not the tiniest sound came from the truck. The pickup cab had been smashed almost to our knees.

The occupants were dead. Instantly killed. They likely knew nothing and felt nothing. Suddenly they were just gone.

Had I not forgotten my paycheck for those seconds, it would have been my brother and me who were suddenly "gone."

Do you know what?

I never heard a voice tell me to run back and get my paycheck...OR DID I?

Do you want to hear (or read) one of the best-kept secrets in the Body of Christ?

Here it is...

God's VOICE sounds exactly LIKE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS!!

Sure—a few SEER-types do hear the audible voice of God, but they are a tiny percentage of the Body of Christ. Most of us just hear HIM through our thoughts. (Photo via Pixabay)


Next time you get an impulse to stop and do something, or call your mother, or pay a bit extra for tithes or quote NIKE, "JUST DO IT!"

God is speaking to you, and it's FINALLY time to stop ignoring HIS VOICE.

Hey now, has this helped you? Be honest, has it TRULY HELPED YOU?

If so, will you help us keep this ministry going by donating right now? God would so very much appreciate it and so would we. Just click this little red donation banner below, or just quickly send a check right now to the address below.

You have NO IDEA how much that helps us! No idea at all. But God does!

His richest blessings to you!!!

Cradled by HIM,

Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders
Elijah List Ministries

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Personal note from Steve Shultz:

Are these words helping you in your life? Do you feel encouraged? Would you consider helping us financially? Did you know almost 30 people work at Elijah List Ministries to bring all these words and videos to you? Derene and I Thank You personally in advance for your financial support:

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