From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This prophetic word blew me you'll read a great deal about the winds of God and prophesying to the dry bones to live!
Tim Hamon of Christian International shares a very deep and detailed word in what the Lord gave him for this new season:
Then the Lord said, "I didn't blame Ezekiel, he did exactly what I told him to do. Don't get stuck because you don't see everything that you expected. It's time for a second wind." We're in the next phase. We're in the next wind. You know when you need the second wind is when you run out of breath. When the breath has been expelled and you don't know where the next breath is coming from. That second wind is here and here's how it works: you prophesy to the first wind and you say, "Come alive! Come alive and empower us to stand up like an army!"
I'm praying for that second wind to come alive inside of all of us!
Enjoy as you prophesy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"A Second Wind of the Prophetic is Here: Prophesy to Your Prophecies!"
Dr. Tim Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Note, this word is structured as a teaching. Teaching is my native language, and God often speaks to me this way. I do believe this is what God spoke to me going into 2018.
As I was thinking and praying about what God wanted me to say, He took me to Ezekiel 37. Ezekiel is a prophet during Israel's Babylonian captivity, and in this part of Ezekiel, he's prophesying to the people about their promised return to the land of Israel and that's the context for which these prophecies come about.
"Prophesy to the breath of God—the ruach—the inspired words He's given you. Those things He has equipped you with and the warlike energy He's made for you." |
Ezekiel has an open vision, and it's called the valley of dry bones. Ezekiel 37:1-6, "The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed, they were very dry. And He said to me, 'Son of man, can these bones live?' So, I answered, 'O Lord God, You know.' Again, He said to me, 'Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!' Thus says the Lord God to these bones: 'Surely, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.''"
Ezekiel does prophesy as instructed: verse 7-8, "So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them."
Where is the Breath?
I see the bones, sinews, flesh, skin, but where is the breath? The problem is there's no breath. Now this is troubling to me, because God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones. Listen to what He tells Ezekiel to prophesy, the Lord says to you, "...surely I will cause a breath to enter into you..." and He says, "and I will put breath in you and you shall live." Well, that didn't happen. Verse 8 ends clearly "...there was no breath...". It's the only thing the Lord said twice, and when the Lord starts repeating Himself, it's for emphasis. So, He emphasizes the breath, but the breath does not come.
I felt the Lord speaking to me that this is where we are now, and I didn't like that. I didn't like that interpretation at all, as a matter of fact, I argued quite a bit. I declared we've been gathering with a lot of noise (bones to bones), we have been linking up (sinew to sinew), we've been imparting strength and power by equipping and training (flesh and muscles), and we've been covering them, defending them, making them whole and teaching integrity (skin). But the Lord is saying there's really not breath in it.
Now this word "breath" is ruach, which means "the breath of God". It's the same word where God "breathed" (ruach) and caused His life to come (Psalms 33:6). Ruach is spiritual breath, it's the Spirit of God coming into us. It's not literal air coming into us, it's the Spirit of God. So, when He says there's no breath in them, the spirit part seems to be missing. And I argued with God and said, "We're not like that, we have lots of spirit. We've felt the Spirit move, worship was great..." But that's what God keeps saying to me, and frankly I was a bit confused. (Photo via Unsplash)
Then the Lord said, "I didn't blame Ezekiel, he did exactly what I told him to do. Don't get stuck because you don't see everything that you expected. It's time for a second wind." As I was digesting that, something occurred to me, at our 2016 Watchman Intercessory Assembly event we had Cindy Jacobs, Barbara Yoder and Dutch Sheets. I remembered they said some very interesting things.
Barbara said, "I understand this is the time of birthing a new prophetic movement here at CI. The greatest years you ever had and more miracles." Then later Cindy said, "It's time for CI to go to a new prophetic level with power and authority. And more miracles than we have ever seen." And finally, Dutch Sheets said, "God is releasing a new prophetic mantle on CI. It will cause us to be 'wind people'. And you will be like eagles that will lock into the wind of God and soar over the storms with greater authority as you enter into the new wind of God." Bishop also declared at this event that a second wave of the prophetic was coming to CI.
Putting Breath into the Bodies
I went back to Ezekiel, where we left them with no breath in them. Visualize the valley of dry bones, then the bones come together creating skeletons, then they start being fleshed out and then skin. So, they are lying in the field, looking like regular folks—equipped. They're ready, they're strong, and they have everything they need, they're just not moving. So then, in verse 9, after there was no breath in them, "He said to me, 'Prophesy to the breath [RUACH], prophesy [Navi], son of man, and say to the breath [ruach—meaning Spirit of God; the in-spirited Word of God]...'" Here God is telling Ezekiel to "prophesy to My Spirit, not only to My Spirit but prophesy to the inspired word (breath) that I already gave you." I interpret it this way: "Prophesy to your prophecies."

Then He says in verse 9, "'Thus says the Lord God: "Come from the four winds [ruach], O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."'" So, prophesy to the inspired word you have, and say to them, "come alive" because up until now it's been killing you. These bones were slain. These weren't just random people that died. This was a group of people who were defeated. They were slain, like an army that lost a battle. And they're being restored, re-equipped and now He's saying: "Prophesy to what I inspired you with the last time."
So, Ezekiel prophesies exactly what God told him to do again, "...and breath [ruach] came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army" (Ezekiel 37:10). Up until this moment, they were not on their feet. Now they're on their feet, but not just on their feet, now they're an exceeding, great army! Just think about that for a minute. The word RUACH (the voice of God, the Spirit of God, the enlivening breath of God) is also translated as "the violent exhale of courage, like a war cry". It can also mean the Holy Spirit itself empowering something. It also gets translated as "prophecy". It's also translated as imparting a warlike energy, a power of endowing man with special gifts.
"Ruach is spiritual breath, it's the Spirit of God coming into us. It's not literal air coming into us, it's the Spirit of God." |
Prophesy to the breath of God—the ruach—the inspired words He's given you. Those things He has equipped you with and the warlike energy He's made for you. Prophesy to that, and it will not only bring life, but a stand-up anointing that will make you into an army! Not a mob, not a congregation, but an army! The Hebrew word for army here is "chayil", it's usually interpreted as army but also means strength, wealth and riches.
Army, Rise Up!
So, here's what's happening: Ezekiel has prophesied, the word of God comes, and all the bones come together. They've been equipped, covered, defended and prepared, except they're not moving the way they need to move yet, or at all. I don't like the idea of that is where we are now. We've been equipping, preparing, making strong, putting together, assembling together all those people and now we want to be an army.
We're in the next phase. We're in the next wind. You know when you need the second wind is when you run out of breath. When the breath has been expelled and you don't know where the next breath is coming from. That second wind is here and here's how it works: you prophesy to the first wind and you say, "Come alive! Come alive and empower us to stand up like an army!" How do you stand up like an army? When joining an army, we say you become a part of the service. A person in the army is called a serviceman, because when you're a soldier you're a servant who's willing to lay down his life. Not a regular servant, but a special servant willing to give their life. We're called to serve as well. We even call our gatherings services, because we're here to serve.
Is that why people come to your church? Do they come to be aligned, equipped, empowered and covered—are they coming to serve as well? Because once they're fully fleshed out and fully covered, there has to be a new charge, a new enlivenment, a new prophecy to the breath, to the ruach, to the inspiration—all by the power of the Spirit of God.
To say it again: let the four winds blow on us so that we are not only prepared, but we actually rise up as an army. Because an army doesn't look like a group, it has purpose. It has mission. If you're an army, your purpose is to invade the enemy. An army is offensive by nature, if you're on defense, you're losing. If we want to see territory taken we have to put boots on the ground. When our congregations come and all they get is equipped and they never come alive to their purpose, then they're just bodies—looking good but just lying around.
The Second Wind
The second wind is the one that charges us. When we start prophesying and saying, "God, You said in the last prophecy, the breath is coming that we would be alive. Now we say: breath, make us alive! Stand us up like an army so that we can execute Your judgment in the world."
I believe that we're coming into that next wave, that next level, that next second wind. You've been hearing us say to believe what God has already said. Do you believe it, can you expect it, and can you charge it? He's saying, "Prophesy to My Word, prophesy to My Spirit. Speak life and breathe into those people you've been equipping so they are sent ones with the Word of God in their mouths like an army." We are here to take territory and everything we've done in the prophetic since the prophetic movement began, I believe, has been preparation for this very day! We've been equipping a bunch of people. We've been putting flesh on them and skin on them, and getting them ready and they look good. They've been practicing, they're ready to go, but now we need to say, "Rise up like an army!" (Photo via Unsplash)
We need to go to battle but the problem is, weren't we slain last time? The bones were, and yet the breath of God comes, the ruach, and the prophet says:
"Come alive! Everything that you have purpose to be and do, come alive! Everything that failed in the last season, come alive! Every place you walked and didn't make it, come alive! Every door that didn't open, come alive! Army arise. Arise in this day! Come alive! Let the Spirit come upon you, let the breath of God flow over you! Come alive in this day, it's the second wind! It's the second wind of the prophetic. It's coming alive right now! Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy to the Word, prophesy to your destiny, and come alive! Come alive! Come alive! We are the army of God and right now I declare it! The second wind is blowing! I prophesy come alive, ruach, I speak to it, be alive! Every defeat, be a victory! Destiny and purpose go forth like an army to conquer territory in the name of Jesus."
I believe this message, I feel it. And what is most poignant to me is what it means for the emerging generation. As much as we want life, we also want to enliven the next generations. We don't want them ever to be dry bones. We want them to be the army that fights battles and sees victories! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dr. Tim Hamon
Christian International
Dr. Tim Hamon wants those he influences to succeed. As an instructor, author and international keynote speaker, Dr. Tim equips leaders to hear God's voice and change their world. With a Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership from Regent University, leadership is Dr. Tim's way of life. Dr. Tim's leadership style believes the best of others, empowers proactive responsibility, and celebrates the value of each team member. Dr. Tim leads in Christian education as the President of Christian International School of Theology. He serves on the Executive Team for Christian International Apostolic Network, and on the Pastoral Team of his local assembly: Vision Church @ Christian International.
Dr. Tim lives in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida with his wife Karen. His appreciation for wit and her love of laughter keep them young and entertaining. They have four children (two married) and five grandchildren, all of whom serve the Lord.
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Unshakeable Leadership Summit
Christian International
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
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The Lord Dwells in Zion
16-month Art & Scripture Hebrew Heritage Calendar (September 2017 / December 2018
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