From the desk of Steve Shultz:
On this most special day, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we are so grateful for ALL of YOU too... our dear readers around the globe! AND on this special day, we get to celebrate together as one big family in the Body of Christ.
I'll leave you with this most awesome Christmas word of the Lord from Diane Lake:
I heard the Lord say, "Pay attention to Christmas this year—it's a time of abundant blessing." Imagine! God wants to give you, His faithful child, a Christmas present this year!
From the entire team at Elijah List Publications and Breaking Christian News...Merry Christmas! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Merry Christmas: God's in the Package!"
by Diane Lake, Missoula, MT
God's Gift to Mankind
I heard the Lord say, "Pay attention to Christmas this year—it's a time of abundant blessing." Imagine! God wants to give you, His faithful child, a Christmas present this year!
"For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:7-8)
We all associate Christmas with packages—there are gifts to be wrapped, both to give and receive. Of course there is no greater gift than the heavenly Father's, who freely gave His only Son to be born as a baby destined for the Cross.
A Season of Recovery
"Like the wise virgins who were prepared to transition to the wedding, our thank offerings help us get ready to shift into the new things of God." |
As I prayed about a Christmas article this year, I had an interesting dream. In it I had taken an amazing picture of a beautiful swan, but while attempting to edit it on my phone, I somehow accidentally deleted it. This phone was unfamiliar to me but I knew if I hit the number "8" on the screen, tech support would be notified. To my surprise, I began receiving messages back from them which were quotes from Romans 5! Verses 5-8 were highlighted—especially verses 7 and 8 (above).
These numbers are fascinating since we've recently entered the Hebraic year 5778, and it's almost the Gregorian year 2018. The number "8" symbolizes new beginnings. I believe this dream signifies we're entering a new season to recover things that have been lost. My sense is one aspect of this is personal (see Joel 2:25), but the main application is evangelism.
The Lord spoke to me the parable of the lost sheep. As the parable begins in Matthew 18, verse 11 says: "For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost." I believe we are entering a season in which the heavens are opening in a new way for the recovery of lost souls.
Even those not specifically gifted in evangelism are being invited to contact Heaven (tech support) through prayer in this season of new beginnings. Let's embrace the work of an evangelist and be asking God to recover lost souls in 2018 (2 Tim. 4:5)! (Photo via Unsplash)
God's Gift to You
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights..." (James 1:17)
I also saw the Lord handing out gift cards—the cool thing with gift cards is you can pick what you want. It's as if we receive the payment for faithful service and get to spend it as we would like.
It reminds me of when the Lord appeared to Solomon and asked him to pick what he wanted. Solomon, we know, chose wisdom, but it wasn't for himself. He asked for wisdom in order to judge the Lord's people, and God was greatly pleased by his response. (See 1 Kings 3:5-10.)
The Lord is releasing provision, wisdom, revelation—even new ministry mantles this season. What is it that you want? Whatever you choose, it's for the benefit of the Kingdom, but you get to pick what you want!
I've seen people in dreams receiving new shoes—new shoes can indicate new ministry or way of life. In one dream, I got to pick between two pairs of boots. One was nondescript in appearance—very utilitarian. The other was a pair of distinctive cowboy boots. Being a Montana girl through and through—guess which pair I'll be choosing!
The point being: Now is the time to ask God for that tailor-made ministry mantle or anointing you desire. God is releasing new gifts and shoes in this season!
Your Gift to God
"Imagine! God wants to give you, His faithful child, a Christmas present this year!" |
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart" (Ps. 9:1). The Lord has been impressing on me the importance of thanksgiving. That even though the holiday of Thanksgiving is past, it's so important to be giving thanks right now.
The Hebrew word-picture for eight, Chet, resembles a bridal canopy. Since the beginning of 5777 (and continuing into 5778) the Lord has been giving me Jeremiah 33:11. It reads: "'...the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing as they bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord: 'Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!' For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first,' says the Lord."
We are in a season of covenant renewal between Christ, our Bridegroom, and His Bride—the Church. Like the wise virgins who were prepared to transition to the wedding, our thank offerings help us get ready to shift into the new things of God.
Also, be sure to check inwardly before presenting your gift. We are to first reconcile with our brothers and sisters and then offer our gift on the altar (Matt. 5:23-24). It's important to bring your gift with a clean and pure heart (Ps. 24:3-4). (Photo via Unsplash)
Wise men and women indeed still seek Him to worship and offer their gifts.
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder...Of the increase of His government...there will be no end..." (Isa. 9:6-7)
The Child born destined for the Cross was also destined to rule and reign. We're about to see the government released upon His shoulders in a whole new way. Your gifts, both those given and received, will position you in the river of God's covenant love and creative purpose—get ready to be swept away!
Again, I want to share what the Lord is saying to us: I heard the Lord say, "Pay attention to Christmas this year—it's a time of abundant blessing." Imagine! God wants to give you, His faithful child, a Christmas present this year!
Enjoy your Christmas present from the Lord!
Diane Lake
Starfire Ministries
Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the Kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network (led by Mike and Cindy Jacobs), and as Media Mountain Facilitators for Christian International's newly emerging "7 Mountain Kingdom Influencer Network." They have three grown children and are blessed to call beautiful western Montana home.
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