From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We've paired two great articles together about "seeing and visions" in the spirit AND another word about "walking out" the visions and dreams over your life. One is supernatural and the other is natural/practical...both help us to walk out the purposes of God!
Here are a couple of visionary excerpts from Diane Lake and Barbie Breathitt:
Diane Lake: Sometimes when praying or prophesying over someone, the Holy Spirit will reveal an image. For example, I might see a Scripture written like a banner over someone's head, or get a mental picture that gives direction.
Barbie Breathitt: When your vision becomes clear, no one can take it away from you. Let your God-given vision consume your five senses until it becomes part of you. Allow yourself to hear it, see it, taste it, smell it, and feel it, until you achieve it.
As you read through both articles, you will realize how the supernatural becomes natural...and how you can walk out your visions/dreams and see them manifest!
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Understanding the Seer Aspect of the Prophetic Gift"
Diane Lake, Missoula, MT
"I will stand my watch... to see what He will say to me..." Habakkuk 2:1
Simply expressed, prophecy can be defined as hearing the voice of God and speaking what He says. This gift is commonly experienced in two ways.
One is audial, meaning the one receiving the message hears words, which they then repeat/release. The other – the seer – is visual, meaning the receiver sees a message through some type of picture, which they then release. Generally, these pictures are either received while awake by means of visions, or while asleep through dreams. Many prophetic people will experience both aspects at various times, but they tend to have one that is more dominant or frequent.
In addition, there are two groups who practice the prophetic or seer anointing. Those in the first group exercise the gift of prophecy as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:10 for the purpose of edification, exhortation and comfort. Those in the second are those who prophesy within the position and office of a prophet.
Not everyone who prophesies is a prophet; however, Scripture reveals that we can all prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1, 31). This means that every Spirit-filled Believer – including you – can develop in the prophetic!
Varieties Of the Seer Gifting
Visual images or impressions: Sometimes when praying or prophesying over someone, the Holy Spirit will reveal an image. For example, I might see a Scripture written like a banner over someone's head, or get a mental picture that gives direction.
Dreams: Dreams enrich your life by giving encouragement, direction, insight for intercession, and revelation. I get much of my personal prophetic revelation through words rather than pictures, yet I also get many spiritual dreams and visions.
"For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction." Job 33:14-16
Visions: This category would include things like open visions, audible messages, angelic encounters, open heavens, trances, being caught up in the Spirit, and heavenly visitations.
Developing The Gift and Pursing Intimacy
"Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does..." John 5:19-20
Scripture does not reveal exactly how Jesus "saw all that His Father was doing," but we do know that He and His Father were one. My sense is that Jesus moved more by the Holy Spirit giving Him knowledge of what His Father was doing, but He may also have had dreams at night, as well as visions in times of contemplation or prayer, which gave Him specific direction. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Regardless, just as Jesus made time to be alone with His Father and spent time in prayer, so should we. The more intimate we become with God, the more we will be able to see what it is that He's doing. Make the Lord your focus, and prophetic revelation will follow!
Once my life was transformed and I became Spirit-filled, I could not get enough of experiencing the Lord's presence and hearing His voice! I immediately began to cry out to Him to speak to me, especially at night.
Each night when I went to bed, I would ask the Lord to come to me in dreams, visions, angelic encounters, visitations or by transporting me to Heaven! (I still do this.) Scriptures such as Joel 2:28-29, Matthew 7:7-12 and Luke 18:1-8 reinforced my resolve to ask.
Growth And Maturity
"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries... but have not love, I am nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:2
For those who wish to increase in their prophetic and seer anointing, some practical guidelines for growth and maturity follow:
• Remember: the purpose of a word is to edify, encourage and build up. Words of a corrective nature should generally be spoken by someone who walks in the office of a prophet (versus the gift of prophecy) and between those who have relationship.
• Be wary of releasing negative words. Ask yourself, "Does what I am about to speak release the Father's heart and love for that person/group? Is the word redemptive in nature?" (Photo via flickr)
• Seek wisdom! Just because you sense/hear/see something does not mean it is supposed to be released. And timing is key – a word spoken out of season has limited, if any, anointing and can actually hinder what Holy Spirit is doing!
• Shortcomings you see in another might actually indicate something is your assignment. Recently, someone I had barely met asked if she could "pray with me" – then proceeded to tell me that in one area of ministry, I was "not doing it right."
When I sought the Lord, He reminded me of a principle I call "dust on top of the fridge". A mentor I once had was fairly laid-back about housekeeping. She used to say that if you came to her house and noticed the coating of dust on the top of her fridge, it was likely you were the one who was supposed to clean it!
If you'd like to see more clearly, let me speak this prayer over you: Just as the Lord blesses me with dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters – so I bless you!
Diane Lake
Starfire Ministries
Diane Lake is a writer and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. A published author, her current writing project is a devotional book on cultivating intimacy with the Lord. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the Kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They serve as Church Mountain and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network and are blessed to call beautiful western Montana home.
"The Power of Visualizing Your Dreams"
Barbie Breathitt, North Richland Hills, TX
A Visionary Plan
Take a mental picture of where you are right now. Then take another depiction of where you want to go or what you want to achieve in life by a specific time, date or age. Every area in your life affects the other aspects of your life. In order to live a spiritually balanced life of excellence it is important to formulate a comprehensive "vision" for every aspect of your life.
These areas include but are not limited to your work or career choices, investments and savings, health, personal and social relationships, recreation, exercise, and finally retirement in your golden years. Without a visionary plan mediocrity sets in to steal your potential.
We are told in 3 John 2:1: "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." You do this by keeping Christ the central focus in your life. If you will create a vision board with pictures of your greatest calling, hopes, marriage, friends and desires displayed, some day they will manifest.
A dream wall can serve a very useful purpose. At first it may seem to be a little illusory because the picture images on your wall do not exist in your real world at the moment. But they are real because they exist in the desires of your heart and mind. If you display them, plan and pray about them, with a lot of hard work, they will materialize and become tangible because they are activated by your faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). (Photo via Pixabay)
Visualizing Your Dreams
What is most important is who you are becoming in the process of achieving life's goals. On your journey you will overcome many roadblocks. Quickly quiet the negative thoughts in your head. Continue to remove every obstacle that arises to master the trials of life. The process that leads to success starts with visualization. Find or create a specific colorful picture of your dreams. If your dreams remain a misty vapor they will not inspire results and you will lack incentive.
If you will visualize your goals as having been successfully completed, the brain will capture those images as a memory. It is easy to plan for what has already manifested or taken place in one's mind. The person who dwells on negative thoughts and images allows fear to destroy their hopes and dreams. Instead focus your faith on the promises God has given you, as well as your hopes of achieving your goals. Use visualization to picture success being obtained so that a brilliant future will materialize to fulfill your life.
It is important to visualize your dreams. Write them down; record them to give your vision longevity. You must make your dreams a reality before you can accomplish them. The reason people never achieve their dreams is because they fail to write them down so they can be seen clearly. The process of completing a vision takes a lot of time and effort. (Photo via Pixabay)
For example, take the old polarized camera – the snapshot takes just a second, but for the picture to totally develop, it required a good amount of time for the process to reach its maximum clarity with all the colorful details that enhanced the crisp images.
When your vision becomes clear, no one can take it away from you. Let your God-given vision consume your five senses until it becomes part of you. Allow yourself to hear it, see it, taste it, smell it, and feel it, until you achieve it.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
President, Breath of the Spirit Ministries
Barbie Breathitt is the author of Dream Encounters: Seeing Your Destiny From God's Perspective, and her new book Gateway to the Seer Realm: Look Again to See Beyond the Natural. She is an ordained minister, dedicated educator, and respected teacher of the supernatural manifestations of God. Barbie's dynamic teaching skills, intelligence, and quick wit keep her a favorite with audiences everywhere. Barbie has become a recognized leader in dream interpretation, traveling to more than forty nations. Her prophetic gifting and deep spiritual insight have helped thousands of people understand the supernatural ways God speaks to us today.
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
December 17, 2015 (7pm)
Mentoring with Barbie
Oasis Community Worship Center
217 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX, 76021
Contact: (817) 656-3900
January 21, 2015 (7pm)
Mentoring with Barbie
Oasis Community Worship Center
217 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX, 76021
Contact: (817) 656-3900
February 13, 2015 (9am-3pm)
Supernatural School with Barbie
Gateway City Church
257 Bay Ridge Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11220