From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God really DOES speak through not only world events, but also through national or international SPORTS EVENTS.
Nearly every year the world leaders, in a number of sporting events, also communicate something to the Body of Christ about what God is saying to the Church.
This article by Johnny Enlow talks specifically about these things. Read this slowly and carefully and then learn what God is saying to the Church through the outcome of some very famous horse races.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah? Is This Good or Bad?"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
A couple weeks ago, a significant sports event took place at the Belmont Stakes as American Pharoah became the first horse in 37 years to win the triple crown of racing. His jockey was Victor Espinoza who wore a number 5 as he finally accomplished what had not been accomplished since racehorse Affirmed won the triple crown in 1978. Last year Victor Espinoza won the first two legs of the triple crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes) with California Chrome, before falling just
short of the rare accomplishment.
I believe that a significant message was being prophesied by this event that will be played out over the next season. I will go through all the relevant names and numbers and they will tell us of that which God will be doing in the coming days and something we can be preparing for. (Photo via Wikipedia)
American Pharoah: America Will Be Stronger
(Note: Due to a mistake in the horse's registration paperwork American "Pharoah" is spelled incorrectly). For many, of course, this can sound like something either not good or at minimum confusing. Those with a Biblical foundation can easily think of Pharaoh primarily in a negative light, as we remember the Pharaoh who would not allow the people of Israel to go free and thus came under severe judgment. However, it was also another Pharaoh hundreds of years before then, who in essence, promoted Joseph to his position of de facto ruler of Egypt. Without that Pharaoh, Joseph remains imprisoned and does not fulfill the promise of the dreams that he had after receiving the coat of many colors.
The word Pharaoh actually means "big house" or "palace" and I think that is significant. I believe that American Pharoah winning speaks prophetically of a place and role that America is about to more fully step into as it relates to world affairs and the world economy. The United States is in a position of world leadership not because of her level of righteousness, but because of the assignment of God upon her at this time.
It is very parallel to the role Egypt had in Joseph's day when Egypt was the dominant nation in the world, despite not deserving it from a righteousness standpoint. This is important to see as so many Believers in America are always calling for her demise based on her lack of perfection in all aspects of morality, not realizing her lead role in world affairs is dictated by God rather than by having completely earned it. (Photo via Wikipedia)
37 Years: The Josephs Will Rise
I see the 37 years (time since last triple crown) as connecting to Genesis 37 when Joseph is first introduced to us and given the coat of many colors. In my book, The 7 Mountain Mantle: Receiving the Joseph Anointing to Reform Nations, I write much about this chapter telling of the coming Josephs who would arise in every mountain and be instrumental in the reforming of society. It's also significant that Joseph was 37 years old when the famine started that ultimately impulsed Egypt to an even more lead nation status. Because of the Joseph solutions implemented by Pharaoh, it says that "all nations came to Joseph," Egypt, and Pharaoh for their own survival (see Genesis 41:57).
I believe that the United States position in world economics is about to be greatly strengthened and that there will also be a corresponding weakening of many other nations' economic positions – with the United States increasingly being in a place of dictating terms of economic rescue for many nations. Significant economic shakings are coming, but they will end up greatly strengthening the United States' position in the world and not weakening it.
The Josephs will be bold as lions during this season and in the midst of much upheaval will greatly prosper. Fearful, self-protectionist, hoarders (the pseudo-Josephs) will increasingly lose their status, their credibility, and even their resources. Make sure you're not one of them. There's a consequence to buying into fear and gloom.
Belmont Stakes: 7 Mountain Renaissance
The word Belmont means "beautiful mountain." The coming ever-changing landscape of world economics and world events, while chaotic at times, will increasingly tend towards the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, government, education, family, celebration arts, religion) being increasingly populated and positively affected by the rising sons and daughters of the King. The "stakes" have been about the mountains of culture properly reflecting the originally, designed image of God that was meant to function in society. We will now see a significant acceleration of change in every area of culture, as great shining ones will arise as never before.
Victor Espinoza and #5: Victorious Grace
Victor Espinoza has won 5 of the 6 races in the last two years that qualify as triple crown races (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes). His victories last year with California Chrome spoke of a coming shining of California that is only overshadowed by the shining America will do as a world-Pharaoh. His last name Espinoza means "thorny" or "from thorns." His name speaks of the victory that was gained on the Cross by He, Jesus Christ, who wore a crown of thorns. (Photo via commons.wikipedia)
Accordingly he and his horse were wearing number 5, which is the number of grace. Though much of what will happen in world events can or will be judged as chaos, it will actually be a manifestation of the grace of God, as His sovereignty will begin to be revealed more than ever.
Rosh Hashanah 2015 and the Archangel of the Mountain of Economy
I've shared for some time that there would be a release of the great angel of the mountain of economy this coming Rosh Hashanah. This timing correlates perfectly with the message to us by American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown. In my aforementioned book, The 7 Mountain Mantle, I spoke of three sequential, prophetic time periods I was shown by the Lord after the Stock Market crashed on Rosh Hashanah 2008, and the Dow Jones dropped a record 777.7 points in one day.
I was shown that the three periods were: awakening, arising, and shining. The first started Rosh Hashanah 2008 as an awakening to our expanded assignment to manifest the Kingdom of God in the 7 mountains of culture. It was a call to see a God Who's big enough to reform nations. The second time period of arising began Rosh Hashanah of 2012, when the age of the restoration of all things started (Acts 3:21). This is when the future Josephs initiated their ascent on the mountains (Isaiah 60:1-3).
The third period of time in the prophetic sequence (the Triple Crown) begins this coming Rosh Hashanah. I was shown that this would be when we shine enough that we actually begin to contend for entire nations. This will be a time where broken systems that were established long ago begin to crumble even more, yet in the midst of what seems like world chaos, there will be a divine order of the Kingdom that will begin to rule and reign in society.
Conclusion: Be Strong and of Good Courage
That which Joshua was commanded in Joshua 1, is exactly how we are to prepare for what's coming. We're going into the Promised Land of the tops of the 7 mountains of society and as this happens, we can get distracted by the giants in the land, or we can become enthralled with the fruit that will be increasingly evident. During this new season of shining, there'll be nothing more shameful than to be cowardly. Fear and anxiety must no longer be seen simply as some unfortunate personal struggle, but a deadly enemy that is to be ruthlessly dealt with. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Boldness, generosity, and a carefree heart are Kingdom characteristics to embrace and walk in. Lose all self-preservation instincts that come from an orphan mentality. Walk in the confidence of sons and daughters who know they're being looked after by their Papa. Your best days are ahead of you, if you do.
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.
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