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Chuck D. Pierce: Time to Storm the Gates of Hell - Join Us Feb. 19-22
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Jan 27, 2015
Chuck Pierce Invites You to
Storming the Gates of Hell!
A Gathering to Experience
Deliverance into Freedom!
February 19-22, 2015 in Corinth, TX
No charge to attend onsite or by webcast!
DON’T MISS THIS INCREDIBLE WEEKEND OF MINISTRY ON FEBRUARY 19-22, 2015!!! This is a time to defeat the devil’s strategy in your life. In this year of the whirlwind, overturn all old cycles that the enemy has created against you! Join us for Storming the Gates of Hell: A Gathering to Experience Deliverance Into Freedom! Ministry teams will be available to minister to each one!
Storming the Gates of Hell will be a unique opportunity for all who desire to learn more about deliverance, as well as for those longing to receive ministry in their own lives. You will not want to miss the worship, teaching and deliverance ministry provided when we gather here at the Global Spheres Center in Corinth, Texas!
Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly! (John 10:10) Whereas the enemy desires to hold us in captivity, Jesus overcame the power of death, Hell and the grave. We are called to be overcomers... a dynamic people walking in the victory that Christ secured at Calvary.
We have a wonderful team of speakers that have many years of experience in deliverance ministry, including Peter Wagner, Doris Wagner, Bill Sudduth, Chris Hayward, Kimberly Daniels, Linda Heidler, Rebecca Greenwood, and Robert Heidler.
Join us, as we invite Holy Spirit to bring His sword which judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, so that we can be set free to walk in new cycles of wholeness and liberty. There will also be incredible resources at this gathering, as our speaking team has authored some of the best books and deliverance courses anywhere.
There is NO COST to attend, but we do ask everyone joining us at the Global Spheres Center to register, so we can best prepare. We will begin on the evening of Thursday, February 19, at 7:00 PM (CST) and meet through noon on Sunday, February 22. Go to or call 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231 to sign up today. There is no charge to webcast, and you will register when you click on the live webcast link. Please make sure to invite your friends and family members who have a desire to walk in a new level of freedom.
Chuck D. Pierce, Peter Wagner, Doris Wagner Bill Sudduth, Chris Hayward, Kimberly Daniels, Linda Heidler, Rebecca Greenwood, and Robert Heidler
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings, to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting, which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and nine grandchildren. |
Peter Wagner is the Ambassadorial Apostle of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), led by Chuck Pierce. GSI is an apostolic network providing activation and alignment for Kingdom-minded leaders of the Body of Christ. He travels extensively throughout the United States and other nations, helping to equip Believers to minister in the areas of apostolic ministries, wealth, dominion, and reformation of society. Wagner considers this his "Fourth Career," which he began at the age of 80. His First Career was serving as a missionary to Bolivia, along with his wife, Doris, for 16 years. The Second Career was teaching in the Fuller Seminary School of World Mission (now School of Intercultural Studies) for 30 years. The Third Career was founding and developing Global Harvest Ministries. As a vehicle for his teaching and equipping ministry, Wagner has penned over 70 books. |
Doris Wagner helped found Global Harvest Ministries in 1991 along with her husband, Peter Wagner. Doris completed her Doctor of Practical Ministry training with Wagner Leadership Institute and is an ordained minister. She specializes in training up the Body of Christ for the ministry of deliverance, and authored the book, How to Cast Out Demons: A Beginners Guide. Over the years, she has been a vessel through whom the Lord has set thousands of people free from various addictions and bondages. She now desires to see mobilization within the Church, for acts of service in this most needed ministry. Along with Peter, Doris founded the International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM). She also helps provide leadership to Global Spheres, Inc.
Bill Sudduth is the founder of Righteous Acts Ministries, Inc. (RAM) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He also leads the International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM). His vision for ISDM is to recognize and network deliverance ministers nationally and internationally. Bill also wants to restore a level of credibility to the ministry of deliverance by providing continuing education and peer level accountability for deliverance ministers. His goal is to see the ministry of deliverance and inner healing back in mainstream Christianity where it belongs. Bill ministers deliverance and inner healing on a daily basis and has ministered to thousands of people in both individual and group settings.
Chris Hayward serves as President of Cleansing Stream Ministries. This ministry is committed to partnering with pastors and churches in teaching and training leaders and maturing Believers in personal cleansing, deliverance, and spiritual warfare so they can be released to serve, minister, and disciple others in the Body of Christ. Before his time with Cleansing Stream, Chris was in pastoral ministry for eighteen years, and the founding pastor of Christian Fellowship Church in Mount Vernon, Illinois, for eleven of those years. He resides in Castaic, CA, with his wife, Karen. They have three children and three grandchildren. |
Kimberly Daniels is the founder of Spoken Word Ministries, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and Word Bible College. After a promising start as a standout track star, she spiraled into a life on the streets that God used to give her the ability to relate to people from all backgrounds. Since the miraculous intervention of Jesus in her life, she shares her testimony globally. Her desire is to train, equip and impart to Believers how to do warfare and deliverance, with the ultimate vision of promoting victorious living. In 2011 Kimberly was elected to the Jacksonville, Florida City Council as an at-large member. She is currently influencing her city in both the spiritual and political realm, and is the author of 13 books on deliverance, spiritual warfare, and abundant life. |
Linda Heidler serves at Glory of Zion International as a deliverance minister and pastoral counselor. She teaches, trains and ministers in deliverance and has taught in the Wagner Leadership Institute, Issachar School, Kingdom Force Institute, and Triumphant Faith Institute. She has her doctorate with Wagner Leadership Institute in Practical Ministry.
Linda also ministers internationally with her husband, Robert. They have been married for 44 years and have three children and two grandsons. |
Rebecca Greenwood is co-founder and president of Christian Harvest International. Partnering with her husband, Greg, Rebecca serves as an ordained minister and gifted prophet and teacher, called to minister across generations, to see the Body of Christ come into their Kingdom identity and purpose. Rebecca is a member of EVAT (Eagles Vision Apostolic Team) under Peter Wagner, ISDM (International Society of Deliverance Ministers), Women in Strategic Leadership Roundtable, under Naomi Dowdy, Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, under Cindy Jacobs, and Global Spheres, Inc., along with Peter and Doris Wagner, and led by Chuck Pierce.
Robert Heidler is the senior teacher at Glory of Zion and ministers internationally as an apostolic teacher. Robert has served as the curriculum coordinator for the International Educational Fellowship, designing curriculum for pastors in Eastern Europe. He has traveled and ministered extensively in the former Soviet Union and has taught at the Messianic Jewish Bible Institutes in Odessa, Ukraine; Moscow, Russia; and Budapest, Hungary. Robert ministers the Word through the Spirit's power to bring individuals into an experiential walk with the Lord that allows them to enter the fullness of their destiny in Christ. The goal of his ministry is to nurture revival in the Church worldwide. Robert and his wife, Linda, have been married for 43 years and have two sons and a daughter. |
February 19-22, 2015
5:30 PM Registration Opens
7:00 PM Conference Begins
8:30 AM – 10 PM
8:30 AM – 10 PM
9:00 AM – Noon
Location |
Global Spheres Center
7801 S I-35E
Corinth, TX 76210
Registration |
To Participate onsite in Corinth, TX: |
1. Register Online or at the door on Thursday at 5:30 PM
2. Call 888-965-1099 or 940-382-7231
There is NO COST to register.
3. Email: |
To Participate by webcast: |
This conference will be available to view live over the internet. There is NO COST to join by webcast. You will register when signing on to the live webcast. |