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Mornay Johnson: The Next Great Revival - God is Pouring Out a New Enablement

by Mornay Johnson
Feb 16, 2013

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Revival starts with you and me. This is a great word on revival by Mornay Johnson. YOU are who the world is waiting for.

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News




Mornay and Angela JohnsonWhere is the next great revival going to take place? Who will be at the forefront of this revival? These are two of the most common questions I get asked as a traveling, prophetic minister.

Some may find my answers rather unorthodox. I believe, though, that not only do they dispel egocentric motives, they also capture the heart of God.

We have to be cautious that our desire for a revival to take place on our doorstep is not based in a motive for our name, our denomination, or our church getting the recognition. No one (individual) man, organization, or church will get the credit for this next great move of God! No, when it sweeps the earth like a spiritual tsunami, God will get all the glory.

"The Next Great Move of God Will Exhibit His Endless Love, To Go To Any Length, To Reach Every Person No Matter Where They Reside"

Regarding the latter, i.e. capturing the heart of God, the "where" and "who" answers will showcase that it is God's desire for all men to be saved (see 2 Peter 3:9) and will exhibit His endless love to go to any length to reach every person no matter where they reside (see Acts 2:17).

The Church in Western society needs a revolution if she wishes to survive the 21st century. As Christians, we have largely enjoyed the privilege of ministering the Gospel in a clinical Christian-centric environment. Most of our dialogue with unbelievers has been in church settings. The common view has been that, to get someone saved, we simply invite them to church. The onus of presenting the Gospel is then upon the preacher. To the astonishment of some, this is not the intended Biblical pattern of evangelism.

The familiar verse found in Mark 16:15 (NKJV), also known as "The Great Commission" dispels this false notion: "And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.'"

As you can see, it was never God's intent for evangelism to predominantly take place in a church building. According to the above Scripture, it should take place outside the church walls ("Go into the world"). You and I, therefore, are called to "marketplace ministry."

When I speak of the marketplace, I'm not solely referring to the business sector. I'm also including all systems that comprise the world system as a whole, or what some would refer to as "The Seven Mountains of Society," namely religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business. We've been so immersed in Church culture that we've forgotten there's a world out there that doesn't have a clue about the Bible. We cannot expect them to relate to us if we're not willing to first relate to them.

"God Is Pouring Out a New Enablement For Access Into Babylon"

God is pouring out a new enablement for access into Babylon. Like Daniel of old, Believers today are piercing the dominant worldly systems. They are doing so by taking the creativity that Babylon has tried to hijack and utilizing the giftings that God has given them to reform the culture.

So to answer the question: "Where will the next great move of God occur?" Right where people are at in their world. God is calling anointed men and women who know their identity in Him, and who are not intimidated by their surroundings, to step out of their comfort zones and reach people on their turf.

I'm not advocating we frequent nightclubs and bars, but day-to-day life outside the church walls should be harnessed as a potential harvest field. This paradigm shift regarding evangelism will allow you to see everyday, mediocre, mundane activities as great opportunities for revival.

"And With Each Iteration of Kingdom Expression, the Revival Snowball Continues To Build"

Office cubicles of corporations now become incubators of God's presence, as Believers perform their work; your school drop off and pickup zone becomes a potential place of counsel for distressed parents; a teammate's injury on the sports field becomes an ideal opportunity to showcase God's healing power.

The possibilities of Kingdom activities now become endless. And with each iteration of Kingdom expression, the revival snowball continues to build – until the tipping point is reached and it cannot be contained. One too many individual Kingdom initiatives finally result in a worldwide revival the likes that has never been seen before, in which "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).

As for the "who" question, it's evident from above that "everyday" Believers will assume the role of ministry. What, not the televangelist? Well, let's look at what Scripture states:

"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12 NKJV).

Deriving from the above verse, one can plainly see that it's the five-fold ministry (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) gifts' job to equip the saints for the work of ministry. In other words, the ministers become the coaches, but the saints are the players. Preachers, in whatever form, are supposed to be equipping, enabling, and empowering you for ministry.

"The Spiritual Landscape Is Changing, and Everyday Saints Are Going To Be At the Forefront, or Cutting Edge, of the Next Move of God"

The spiritual landscape is changing, and everyday saints are going to be at the forefront, or cutting edge, of the next move of God. Knock-kneed, pigeon-toed individuals like you and I, will be used by God to administer some of the greatest demonstrations of the Spirit – the likes that has not been seen before.

It's time for what I call "Body ministry." The analogy used is that of individual potatoes versus mashed potatoes. Everyone wants to be a big individual potato, while God wants His Church to look like mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes contain the sum of all the individual potatoes, but you cannot tell where one ends and another starts. When a miracle breaks out, who cares who performed it, as long as someone was touched and God got the glory.

I heard God say earlier this year that it's the hour for the "no-name brands" to be recognized. Those of you who've been faithful in the background and busy with God, those of you whom many have overlooked...this is your hour. Promotion doesn't come from the north, south, east or west but from above (see Psalm 75:6-7). God is saying to you today, "He has your number, He knows you by name, and it's promotion time." Get ready, because it's going to happen SUDDENLY.

So, wherever there's someone hurting, addicted, broken or ailed by sickness and disease, is where the next great revival will take place. And God is looking for someone, like Isaiah of old, to say: "Here am I, Lord, send me."

Mornay Johnson
Mornay Johnson Ministries


Mornay Johnson is a published author, itinerate speaker, and business owner who has offered coaching and consultation to millionaires and corporations alike. He is part of the ASCEND International apostolic network and is a prophetic voice to a diverse array of ministries and corporations. He is happily married to his beautiful wife, Angela. Mornay is known for his evangelistic heart and keen prophetic gifting – a unique combination that has transformed many lives.

Mornay Johnson's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

February 21, 2013 (7pm)
Encounter Thursday
International Healing Cathedral
9840 North 15th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020
Contact: 602-944-5711

February 21-23, 2013
Arise & Pray Prophetic Summit
*Mornay will be speaking on Sat, Feb 23 @ 10am
Abundance In The Truth Kingdom Intl' Ministries
3331 W Catalina Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85017
Contact: 602-471-0561 or 602-441-4135

March 7-9, 2013
2013 Pastors & Leaders Healing Conference
[Feat: Terry MacAlmon, Paul Wilbur, T.O Berry, Jonathan Bernis]
*Mornay will be speaking on Thur, March 7 @ 7pm
Without Walls Church
2542 West Warner Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Contact: 602-795-4400

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book The World's Greatest Revivals
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Call Me Crazy, But I'm Hearing God Revival Hunger: Finding Genuine Revival Among Fluff and Hype
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