Yvon Attia: "I Am the Master Chess Player"
Jul 10, 2024
Word submitted on July 3, 2024: As I was praying for the month of July, God started to show me a chess board. As I continued to press in, I started hearing the word "checkmate." I am not a chess player, but I do know that when the word "checkmate" is spoken, it declares that there are no more moves to be made, a victor king is determined, and the game is finished.
Promises in the Month of July "Do you think I have brought you this far to leave you? Or do you think that this is the end, and there are no more moves for Me? "As you enter this month, I declare to you that you are entering in the month where My promises over your life will be fulfilled. For I am not a man that I should lie, nor do I promise and not fulfill. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (see Isaiah 55:9). A Checkmate Moment "I here announce to you that I am the Master Chess Player on the board of your life, and the enemy is no challenge to Me. "You may have thought the enemy is winning, but as you enter this month, I announce to you that the enemy is coming into a checkmate moment. For I am cornering the work of the enemy, and will declare that there are no more moves to be made; a place of victory has been established. "You will hear the prophetic hammer hit as a final position of victory has been decided. The Month of Exposure "This is the month of exposure, exposure, exposure! For you will start to align yourself with My victory, and begin to walk in the procession of the Victor King. "Just because you can't see the move, doesn't mean that there isn't one to be made. "Get ready, for the King has one final move to make—one that will shatter the kingdom of darkness, one that will defeat the enemy unaware and pull you out of your misery. For I have seen your tears, I have heard your cry, and I will fulfill My promises to you. My Unfailing Love for You Will Never Be Removed
"You say, 'The Lord has forgotten me.' "Never. For even if a mother forgets her own child, I will not forget you. "Pharaoh thought he'd won, and chased My people into the sea. Little did he know that he was coming into his checkmate moment. For during the morning watch, I looked upon [the] Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud, and took off their chariot wheels. I closed in on them, and not one person survived. It was checkmate moment. The Biggest Month of Victory "Therefore I declare to you that you are stepping into the biggest month of victory. The King has one more move to make... "For as I swore to Abraham [that I would] bless him, I declare the same to you, saying, "I swear by Myself that I will bless you, that because [you] hold onto the victory of My Son Jesus—despite circumstances—this will be your month of victory. "Lift up your head and be filled with joy, for you will be amazed at the checkmate position, for [you] will be in awe to see Me as the Master Chess Player on the board of your life."
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Yvon Attia Yvon Attia is a radical lover of Jesus and His Word, fully dedicated to His purposes and His call. Yvon is an author and a powerful, passionate speaker who preaches the Word with the power of God's Spirit, and the manifestation of His presence. She unpacks the Word from a Middle Eastern perspective, explaining its depth in terms of culture, context and power. Yvon is married to her high school sweetheart, Mina, and they have two beautiful children, Esther and Raphael. Both Yvon and her husband are ordained pastors under the spiritual fatherhood covering of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado Of King Jesus International Ministry in Miami. Miracles of healing take place during their meetings as God faithfully confirms the Word through signs that follow. They are also the founders of Celebrate Freedom Ministry, which is part of the supernatural global network of King Jesus International Ministry.
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