They carry an explosion (pun intended) of powerful words from God, as Andrew opens up with this word of the Lord:
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I heard the Lord say, "Get ready for long-forgotten prayers to be answered suddenly. I have not forgotten the desires of your heart. Although it looks impossible, I am the God of the impossible. There is nothing too hard for Me. Get ready to experience an explosion of the miraculous!"
When Things Seem Silent
While getting ready to preach a series of prophetic messages that the Lord has given me for the Christmas season, I started reading the book of Luke. As I read the account of Zechariah and Elisabeth, my spirit began to leap.
"And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years." (Luke 1:6-7)
The Bible describes them as "righteous" and "blameless," but they had no child. It was considered a reproach to be barren. We have to consider the time in which this account was recorded. Not only were they barren, but it had been around 800 years since the last ministry of miracles through the ministry of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. It had been about 500 years since the Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were delivered from the fiery furnace. There had not been an appearance of an angel recorded, nor had God spoken in at least 400 years since the writing of Malachi. (Photo via Pxhere)
Things seemed silent for the people of God. They continued studying, living for God and celebrating what He had done in the past for His people. Suddenly, out of nowhere, God arrived on the scene, and there was an explosion of the miraculous. It was as if an alarm clock sounded and God's word was being fulfilled.
Your Miracle Is Already in Motion
Zechariah's lot was chosen to burn incense upon the altar of incense. He was to take the hot coals and place them upon the golden altar of incense. The aroma and the cloud of smoke that ascended represented the prayers of the people. While completing his service, there was an angel, and he said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, because your petition [in prayer] was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John" (see Luke 1:13).
Notice it says "was heard," implying that the prayer was no longer being prayed. Perhaps because of their age and past disappointments they had given up on even asking the Lord for a miracle. I heard the Lord say, "Get ready for prayers that you have given up on to be answered with a miraculous YES! Your miracle is already in motion."
Protecting the Promise
"And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years." (Luke 1:18)
Notice that Zechariah spoke against the prophetic word from God. He rehearsed with his mouth all the reasons why it would not happen. This serves as a warning to us today. Refuse to partner with circumstances that go against the words that God has promised you. It is time to get your hopes back up and believe again!
As a consequence of Zechariah speaking against God's prophetic word, he was made dumb and unable to speak (see verse 20). Elisabeth conceived a baby and hid herself for the span of five months. She protected the promise she was carrying. She knew there would be some people who would speak against that which God had done for her. She was unwilling to allow anyone to hurt her faith or speak against the promise of God. (Photo via Unsplash)
You Will See Me Do the Impossible
I heard the Lord say, "You have felt as if My promises were for everyone else and I ignored your cries. You thought this was just the way it was. You remained faithful even though it seemed like it would never happen for you. You have been barren. You have not seen the fruitfulness or the harvest in your life. You have felt like giving up, but you remain standing. I have seen your faithfulness, and I've heard your prayers – even the prayers that you have stopped praying because it hurt too bad to believe anymore.
"You will see Me do the impossible. They said Elisabeth was past child-bearing age. You, too, felt it was too late for Me to come through for you. I say, get ready for past-due promises coming forth. It has seemed as if I've been silent, but you will now see an explosion of the miraculous. I have set you up to see My hand move for you.
"This is a mind-blowing season. Partner your words with the moving of the Holy Spirit and the prophetic words that I have sent to you. You will see them fulfilled and experience that which I have decreed!"
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Andrew Towe
Ramp Church Chattanooga
Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation! Andrew preaches the Word of God with fire, inviting God's manifested presence to fall, with signs and wonders occurring in his services. He has also authored a new book titled, "The Triple Threat Anointing." Andrew and his wife Brooke are the lead pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga, and they reside in Chattanooga, TN along with their two children. Andrew travels extensively, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever he ministers, lives are changed, faith is strengthened, and expectation is ignited.
Andrew Towe's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.
January 11-15, 2023
Joan Hunter Ministries
4 Corners Conference Center
130 Agg Rd, Tomball, TX 77375
(For more information click here)
February 5, 2023 at 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Fan The Flame 2023
New and Lively Hope Family Church
(For more information click here)
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