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AJ Butel: A Movement of Renaissance

by AJ Butel
Feb 3, 2013

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Renaissance is a word we've heard throughout the recent years - it's really about a revolution of His Love being released which you'll read about in AJ Butel's latest word.

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News




AJ ButelI keep hearing the word: "RENAISSANCE."

A quick study revealed that the dictionary lists the first definition of renaissance as a rebirth or revival. The period of renaissance refers to the transition from medieval times to modern – from the old to the new. It is a movement that infiltrates all learning and culture and brings into prominence a fresh way of thinking and doing.

I absolutely believe this is for the Church today. There is a radical shift taking place, and "revival" doesn't necessarily look like more shaking and moaning on the floors of our gatherings. Although encountering God is the catalyst and fuel for anything great, I believe this renaissance is an experiential transformation in the way we walk out our "togetherness" with the Lord and the resulting influence in every sphere of society.

Those Who Walk the Talk

There is a call going forth for the initiators to emerge. I sense these are the prophetic worshipers – those who honor God with their entire beings without restraint in spirit and in truth. These demonstrators will lead out from the hidden depths of intimacy and trust. These people look and sound different than the religious masquerades that have pranced and paraded in times past. Rather, they carry a raw honesty of heart and joyfully live out their love.

What I see is not a rising rebellion, but a revolution of LOVE positioned in vulnerable humility and surrender. Not based on mere theology or doctrine, but this renaissance flows out of an intense yearning for the Father's desire to be established. It's a response to His heart that delivers sweet freedom.

Spectate or Participate

There is a choice: you and I can either observe this transition take place, or we can BE the change. Only the strong and courageous will forge the way. Not those who are flexing their own might or agenda because that cannot be sustained. The forerunners who are leaning into God's substance and grace, those who are trusting in His faithfulness, they will gather miraculous distance and endure the race.

As with the most impacting metamorphosis, there can be grating and resistance, diversity and debate, but this is not something to distract us, or fear or hate. The focus is the Lord's heart. There is nothing more, nothing less – nothing else. There is a renaissance taking shape – a rebirth in how we align with Heaven and bring it through – an awakening in what we believe, say and do.

Clearing Out the Old – Growing Up the New

The result will cultivate a new era in the Church with rushing, refreshing waters throughout the earth. A brightening hope reaching further into the darkness and void.

His Kingdom is ever-increasing, but I sense an intentional "makeover" taking place in the laid-down heart of His Bride at this time. She will come forth so healthy and vibrant – breathtakingly radiant, entwined with her Lover, ablaze with delight, and with the light of His face.

Let's be overshadowed: Lord, overflow us with Your plans and purposes for this revolution of time. Bring us a reviving of intimacy, revelation, creativity, community, strategies and supernatural momentum – to see Your Presence, Your solutions, and Your healing power envelop our nations.

AJ Butel
Author of "Overshadowed"


AJ Butel: Passionately in love with her Lord, AJ Butel loves to encourage Christians to wrestle free from the world's suffocating "normal" and pursue so much more than a regular mundane lifestyle. Her signature emphasis is to press into God's presence, and from that place anticipate His supernatural influence – in ALL things! AJ, her husband Carl, and their three children, are usually based on the Gold Coast, Australia, but can often be found cultivating relationships in various communities around the globe, serving in the areas of Kingdom justice and missions.

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