Elijah list

1 tsp of This fixes constipation - permanently?

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Feb 21, 2021

Want to permanently eliminate your constipation by tomorrow?

Try this doctor's little secret:

1. Walk over to your kitchen pantry...
2. Crush and eat 1 tsp of THIS.

Sounds simple (and a little crazy), I know!

But this safe and constipation & poop fix is backed by Harvard scientists and published in the prestigious medical journal, Archives Of Internal Medicine.

Find out more here:

==> 1 tsp of this every morning destroys constipation.

For More Information:

1-800-822-5753 | wecare@phytagesupport.com

90 day Guarantee

For a list of ingredients for this product, click here.

Note: You will not be ordering this item from The Elijah List. Your order will be processed on The Internal 911 site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.