While in prayer, I heard the Lord say, "You are about to experience a SUPERNATURAL SEPTEMBER... if you remain steadfast on the promises I have given you. I see how the enemy has sent waves of discouragement and even strong delusions to prevent you from knowing how close you are to possessing My promises. His intention is to cause you to faint. I send My word to you now! I proclaim to you that this is the season for your BOUNTIFUL HARVEST.
"As September arrives, it brings with it a pivotal change in the seasons, signifying the conclusion of summer and the onset of fall. Just as this transformation happens in the natural, so it does in the supernatural realm. Your season has shifted. Where there has been confusion, there will be clarity. Where there has been the temptation to give up, an unwavering strength is coming to continue standing."
Notice that the Lord said, "If you remain steadfast." Prophecy is conditional to our obedience.
"'If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword'; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken." (Isaiah 1:19–20, NKJV)
Bountiful Harvest