Katie Dunstan: "Honey from the Rock"
Katie Dunstan, NSW, Australia
Apr 14, 2024


"He made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him with the fruit of the fields. He nourished him with honey from the rock, and with oil from the flinty crag." (Deuteronomy 32:13)

While on a walk with my husband, we stopped to admire something along the way. Suddenly a bee landed on my finger; I flicked it off, fearing it might sting me. Then a series of words and visions began downloading in quick succession, almost simultaneously.

I heard the Lord say, "I am releasing honey from the rock. Where the sting of hope deferred, heartbreak, and devastation has struck your life, I am now striking the rock on your behalf. From the rock will flow honey as a healing balm, like rivers of living water, to restore and repair the ruin caused from the pain and trauma of the onslaught of enemy attack. I will nourish you with honey and oil from the rock, for I AM your Rock. My honey will bring deep, nourishing, and lasting healing to your soul. As gracious words are like [a] honeycomb, sweet to the soul, so I will bring a deep healing to your bones (Proverbs 16:24)."

Where life has stung you and left you rejected, robbed, and wounded, Jesus was wounded for all our transgressions. We are invited to exchange our hurts and pain to live empowered as co-heirs, chosen sons and daughters adopted into the Kingdom of God, and authorized citizens of Heaven. God is pouring out His healing balm into your every wound and healing and restoring you from all their effects. Receive it!

Miracles of Inconceivable Magnitude

Honey from the rock speaks to me of unimaginable miracles. As unimaginable and miraculous as it is to see honey flowing from a rock in the natural realm, God told me, "I am moving upon My people and through My Bride in miraculous ways, new to your realm of comprehension. Lift up your eyes! From where does your help come from (Psalm 121:1–2)?

"Miracles of inconceivable magnitude are coming to the desolate wasteland in the hearts of My people and the heartlands of nations. Even those that you thought would be impossible to reach will now become as the land where milk and honey will flow."

(This, to me, speaks of the very things you have been hoping for or dreaming of that have seemed impossible to you and exceedingly greater than you could have ever imagined. These things are now being touched by the miracle-working God of the impossible to manifest in and through your life, and your "land" – your sphere of influence.) (Photo via Unsplash)

Do Not Fear! Hold Steadfast to My Unfailing Love

Right at that moment, I heard the Lord speaking over the Bride of Christ: "Do not fear, for I AM with you. Do not be dismayed (Isaiah 41:10). Do not allow fear to cause you to flick off and dismiss the move of My Spirit that is now upon you."

"As you hold steadfast to My unfailing love, you will begin to encounter Me 'as eyes have not seen, ears have not yet heard, and the human mind has not yet conceived' (1 Corinthians 2:9).

"Do not flick off this move of My Spirit through fear of My supernatural and invisible realm, through which I am sweeping across your lands. For it is 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts' (Zechariah 4:6).

The Rock of Ages and the Potter's Wheel

"I AM pouring out honey from the rock and releasing the oil of My anointing to turn the hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. I AM softening hearts to be malleable in My hands, as the clay on the potters wheel is to the potter."

(Place yourself on the Potter's wheel, humble in heart and yielded in tender surrender to Jesus. Expect to see the healing honey pour forth from Jesus, the Rock of Ages.)

The Lord says, "Do not fear the sting of death, for I have overcome death to bring forth life-giving honey from the rock."

Set your eyes like flint upon Jesus, the Rock of Ages, and watch what He will do through you as you behold Him.

"'I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.' So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel." (Exodus 17:6)

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Katie Dunstan
Breakfree Australia
Email: breakfreeaust@gmail.com
Facebook Ministry Page: click here

Katie Dunstan is a First Nation Indigenous Christian leader, prophetic preacher, and revivalist. She serves as a founder of Breakfree Australia, an established apostolic and prophetic ministry that trains, equips, and empowers the Body of Christ for the work of ministry through prophetic training, activation, inner healing, and deliverance seminars. She's the author of "Ancient Keys to a New Sound Rising from the Land," and co-author of "Healing Wounded Hearts: Holy Spirit Directed Inner Healing," and "Seated." Katie sits on the Australian Prophetic Council and is part of ARC Global, a community of apostles and prophets. Her words have been published on the Elijah List, Australian Prophetic Council, Spirit Fuel, and other platforms.

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