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"Clarion Call to Avert West Coast Disaster"
by Burdell Austin, Steve Shultz
Apr 13, 2005
April 13, 2005
Some don't know that, besides the publisher
of the ELIJAH LIST, I am Burdell Austin's
(who writes this article)
Washington State USSPN Coordinator's
counterpart for Oregon. I'm the USSPN Prayer Coordinator for Oregon. Between Burdell
Austin and myself (Lisa Doyle helps me on the Oregon USSPN list), we cover HALF
of the West Coast as far as calls to prayer.
Note that the items we are posting today represent calls to pray for prophetic revolution
to take place on both the West and East Coasts of the USA.
Burdell and I believe a national response is needed. Please take this call to intercede
very seriously,
Steve Shultz
Clarion Call to Avert West Coast Disaster
For several years many of you have been
getting words of warning, dreams, and visions of an earthquake and tsunami in this
region [U.S. West Coast]. I join many who sense it is time to mobilize an army of
worshiping warriors, who will go before the Lord in humility for those sins committed
on the land that give legal right to the adversary to perform acts of violence.
As we hear from the Lord regarding specific
repentance needed to cleanse the land, we will then have the blood-bought authority
of the name of Jesus Christ to declare the very earth itself redeemed, no longer
under the curse.
I believe that it is the adversary's
desire to "steal the vineyard." He knows what the Lord has said regarding the West.
We are on the verge of an unprecedented move of God that will release the message
that the Kingdom of God is indeed at hand, and signs and wonders will follow.
last thing that Dutch Sheets said at the 50 State Tour gathering in Everett, Washington
in December of 2003 was, "Washington is shifting into a new season. You are pregnant
with something new: a fresh revelation of Christ, a fresh ability to present Him.
He is going to break out in your midst in a new way and be conceived in you. Begin
to pray that Jesus is coming to the church of Washington and you are going to conceive
the fullness of Christ. You are going to be able to minister Christ to the world."
What Prophets Are Saying Today
Regarding a West Coast Disaster
The following is a taste of what prophets are saying today regarding this issue:
Here is part of the February Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders Word of the Lord
for 2005, posted by Chuck Pierce (
are in a season of shakings. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. There
will be continued physical disasters where the plates of the earth will shift. In
the midst of these shakings, God will rise up regional apostles and prophets who
will be able to issue decrees, and then see the natural disasters stop or be lessened
in their city or region."
Also, here is a portion of Paul Keith Davis' write up on his March 2005 Fireside
Chat with Bob Jones (
a dream Bob was shown a potential calamity along the West Coast that could have
a very damaging effect. It was something to do with the shifting of the plates within
the earth creating a separation of land mass. The admonition in the revelation was
to mobilize the Church in prayer so that this could either be eliminated or
reduced in its impact. A specific time frame was not given in the dream, but it
seemed to imply that it was something imminent. Much prayer has already ascended
from the West Coast for a day of visitation. We feel this would be very damaging
for many people if it should occur, and a distraction from the birthing of God's
purposes in California."
On March 15, 2005, Barbara Steely of Wailing Women Ministries in Washington State
( She says:
"God is speaking to many about a catastrophe
or shaking of the West Coast and calling for prayer. If I mourned when I failed
the call Jesus gave me to cry aloud and call forth the intercessors before the Indonesia
tsunami, I mourn now as Jeremiah was instructed to do . . . 'Call forth the wailing
women . . . ' These professional women were hired to follow the death and funerals
of the deceased, but God told Jeremiah to call them BEFORE the deaths occurred and
instructed them to weep and wail. The Lord has directed us to pray on the Washington
and Northern Oregon coast in the past, in a building of a Wall of Worship. He is
now expanding that call from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California."
How Prayer Can Avert Disaster
On April 13, 1999 a team of intercessors traveled via ferry from Port Angeles to
Victoria, B.C. Canada to partner in prayer on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Halfway
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca the Lord directed prayer for two specific things:
That every military and terrorist attack
that would come through those waters would be exposed.
That our adversary would not use the
Juan de Fuca fault for death and destruction.
On December 14, 1999 an Algerian with
ties to Islamic terrorists was caught departing the ferry at Port Angeles. Read
the complete story at
It should be noted that April 13, 1999 was the 50th anniversary of a 7.1 magnitude
earthquake. It was centered deep beneath the surface and within the subducted Juan
de Fuca plate under the North American plate. This 1949 earthquake was the largest
recorded earthquake in Puget Sound. It affected all of Washington, NW Oregon, SW
British Columbia, Northern Idaho, and NW Montana.
Other large earthquakes have occurred late February to mid April on the West Coast:
April 18, 1906: 8.2 M San Francisco,
April 1, 1946: 8.6 Aleutian Islands,
March 27, 1964: 9.2 M Prince William
Sound, Alaska
April 29, 1965: 6.5 M Seattle, Washington
February 28, 2001: 6.8 M NE Olympia,
February 2001 earthquake was also caused by the bending of the Juan de Fuca plate.
The earthquake was felt as far away as Salt Lake City. This earthquake was located
in the same general area as the earthquake on April 13, 1949. But, scientists, and
prophets as well, are warning of an earthquake/tsunami caused by the Juan de Fuca
Plate at the same magnitude of the 9.0 Sumatra, Indonesia disaster that occurred
on December 26, 2004.
Last February, a USSPN Washington Regional Coordinator was present during a report
given by an international lawyer from Singapore, Thio Su Mien (Su), who is gifted
in prophetic intercession and healing. She shared about some of the things going
on in the area of Indonesia before the tsunami.
She explained how the SARS virus hit Singapore a year prior to the earthquake/tsunami.
The Lord alerted the intercessors and told them that if they did not get on their
faces and repent on behalf of their nation's involvement in abortion as the contraceptive
of choice, that the land would suffer from His hand of judgment.
Because they saw how devastating the
SARS virus had been, the intercessors immediately took action to seek His mercy
and forgiveness. Singapore was not touched by the earthquake disaster. The Malaysian
intercessors joined them in diligent prayer and also opened healing rooms in Kuala
Lampur. The area on the Northern Coast of Malaysia was hit hard. There are amazing
stories of God's grace and mercy in saving souls and lives there.
It was the prayers of the intercessors that had saved the disaster from affecting
an even larger area. She emphasized that the intercessors crying out with repentance
and asking for mercy, along with declarations of the Word of God over the land (both
written and rhema), released the curse upon the land and the people were spared.
It was a plea for intercessors to step up to the plate and continue to press into
God for mercy from judgment coming.
Understanding the Times in the Spirit
In a recent teaching titled UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES, Arthur Burk states:
is my belief that the tsunami that struck right after Christmas was a blood sacrifice
orchestrated by the enemy to gain power to stop the birthing that God wanted. I
see it as being empowered by Leviathan, the spirit in the water. It produced massive
death which empowered him. It ripped families apart, which is the opposite of the
anointing that God had intended . . . There was a staggering loss of capital, the
income-producing infrastructure of the wealthiest regions was destroyed and, by
the way, [the redemptive gift of] the nation of Indonesia is the gift of giving."
Martha Lucia of Watchman Ministries
posted a prayer initiative April 1, 2005. It references an article from the Jerusalem
Post, in which it addresses research published by Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi
regarding various verses in the Koran which predict that the US will be hit by a
tsunami larger than that which recently struck southeast Asia.
"The tsunami waves are a minor rehearsal
in comparison with what awaits the US in 2007," the researcher concluded in his
study. "The Holy Koran warns against the Omnipotent Allah's force. A great sin will
cause a huge flood in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans."
"The study has caught the attention
of millions of Muslims worldwide who pray in agreement with the predicted destruction
of the US. Silwadi said his study of the Koran showed that the US would perish mainly
because of its great sins against mankind, including the Native Americans and African
Americans. Martha says, "God help us to become a righteous nation and to condemn
these cursing words spoken against this nation, according to Isaiah 54:17."
Understanding the Times in the Natural
The recent Sumatra quake and all of the activity in the Juan de Fuca plate, which
is only 250 miles off the west coast, and 700 miles long, should be a wake up call.
Prophetic warnings should be coupled with factual information so that intercessors
can pray on site with insight. A GREAT RESOURCE for the Juan de Fuca plate/Cascadia
Subduction Zone is the DVD CASCADIA: THE HIDDEN FIRE, produced by Michael
Lienau (
and, who produced
the first George Otis, Jr. Transformation video, available at The Elijah List below.
Michael is offering this through The
Elijah List to intercessors who have a burden to pray for this important focus.
Michael is also working with spiritual leaders initiating faith-based disaster training.
He and Patrick Hamman, the Redmond City Chaplain (,
are networking with churches in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. They are purchasing
Cascadia and are giving them to participants through city grants. Michael
and Pat are also working on training city employees with the DVDs and developing
a web-based interactive training website.
This DVD will also be available at
April 15-16, 2005 in Astoria, Oregon.
Date & Time:
Friday, April 15, 2005 from 7:00 P.M.
to 9:00 P.M.
Saturday, April 16, 2005 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Antioch House, 40218 Old Highway 30,
Astoria, OR 97103
(If seating is exceeded, we will move to an alternate venue. See
Mark Acuna of Antioch House and
Barbara Steely of Wailing Women, who says:
"A prophetic cry to prayer is occurring up and down the west coast of the United
States. Many have seen natural and spiritual events happening in the near future.
We agree together and ask God for His mercy and will to be done. We also respond
to His call to pray and agree with each other in this task. This is just one gathering
for prayer and strategy, but we know they are happening from Alaska to California.
Our hope is to coordinate a prayer effort together for the west coast."
Barbara has been flooded with input
from those of you who have been hearing from the Lord regarding a great shaking
and wave coming. Some address more of a spiritual impact than natural. This is a
real possibility. Lisa Knorr of Global Net Productions sent me the following:
In John Nance's 1988 book, "On Shaky
Ground," he describes what happened at one church when the earthquake struck during
the 1964 Alaska earthquake. "At All Saints Episcopal Church, Father Norm Elliot
reached the twelfth State of the Cross in the Good Friday services. The last quotation
from Matthew was in front of him now as he read the familiar words: 'But Jesus cried
with a loud voice, and gave up His spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple
was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were rent.'"
It was exactly thirty-five seconds past 5:36 p.m. Father Norm Elliot felt the first
waves shudder through his church as he read the line, " . . . and the rocks were
Interesting to note that four years prior, on April 3, 1960, Dennis Bennett preached
a sermon on the underground Pentecostal Movement that was quietly racing through
so many churches in America. He told about how he, himself, had spoken in tongues.
Instantly, an explosion went off in his Episcopal Church. The story was later carried
in the local newspapers, various wire services picked it up, and the news swept
the country.
Prayer and Fasting
During an on site prayer strategy in Seattle last weekend, the Lord gave a 10 DAY
PRAYER FOCUS. You can start April 15 through Passover, April 24. Or you can use
it after the prayer and fasting focus 21 DAYS TO BREAK THE POWER OF CAPTIVITY Chuck
Pierce has just released (if you missed reading this, you can read it on The Elijah
List at:
). This is great for individual victory over strongholds in our lives that may influence
our ability to move in the authority Jesus Christ purchased for us. Another good
10-day time frame is May 5-15, 2005, which is the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER through
Timothy Snodgrass posted a 40-day fast for April 8-May 18, 2005 for the South Pacific,
and for inhabitants of the Pacific coastal regions from Alaska to Argentina, and
from New Zealand to the Aleutian Islands.
Timothy states:
"Every major prophetic warning is followed
by major signs, which have the signature of God, easy to recognize if you examine
the pattern of events. Pope John Paul II was born during an eclipse on May 18, 1920
(look at the date: May 18). Only God knew in advance that Pope John Paul would be
buried in Rome 84 years later, during a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2005, the
beginning of the 40-day fast. Think about that for a minute: On the very day this
40-day fast was called months in advance, not only did skies darken across the South
Pacific from a total eclipse, but flags were lowered around the world at half-stance
from the death of John Paul II.
"This 40-day fast will end on John Paul's
birthday, May 18 (Washington residents will of course recognize that date as being
the anniversary of the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens). If you look closely at this
pattern of events, you can only come to one conclusion: the signature of God on
the fast is clearly evident, and the warning for the South Pacific is chillingly
valid and time-sensitive."
10 Day Prayer Focus
to Avert West Coast Disaster
DAY ONE: Psalm 96:1,10-13: Declare that the world, the earth itself, is established,
and it shall not be moved. Declare Psalm 115:16.
DAY TWO: Psalm 97:1-12: Call the earth to "violent worship" unto the Lord
of the whole earth. Declare Colossians 2:9-10,15.
DAY THREE: Psalm 98:1-9: Declare that all things are in Christ, both which
are in Heaven and on earth. Declare "his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten
him the victory." Declare Psalm 8:3-6 and Ephesians 1:7-10.
DAY FOUR: Psalm 99: Declare that revelation of Him and His holiness establishes
the people, and the earth itself, in the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning
of wisdom. Declare Psalm 111.
DAY FIVE: Psalm 100: Worship and declare Psalm 111:5b,9 . . . "He will ever
be mindful of his covenant . . . He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded
his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name." This revelation of Him and
understanding of His covenant with us produces worship. Declare that all His saints
and the whole earth worships Him.
DAY SIX: Psalm 101: Confess, repent, and renounce our wicked ways and those
of our forefathers.
DAY SEVEN: Psalm 102: Enter into intercession and call forth the wailing
DAY EIGHT: Psalm 103: Fruit of Repentance and Intercession, Declare His Mercy
and Forgiveness.
DAY NINE: Psalm 104: Declare He is the Lord of Hosts, The Most High God Over
all Creation.
DAY TEN: ISAIAH 51-55: Read aloud and declare to the adversary that the earth
has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, it is no longer under the curse and
he is forbidden to use it as a tool for destruction and death. The time of the Harvest
is here and he cannot steal the vineyard.
Burdell J. Austin,
USSPN WA State Mobilizing Coordinator
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"Cascadia: The Hidden
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Flying glass and bricks, buckling
roads and freeways, crippled airports, nearly 500 people injured and two billion
dollars worth of damage . . . the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually earthquake literally shocked
the entire Pacific Northwest region on February 28, 2001. But while damaging, this
earthquake is just part of a dangerous seismic triple threat facing the region.
Nearly two decades of research reveal that the area will experience earthquakes
as large as humans have ever witnessed. Dozens of lethal shallow crustal faults
lie just underneath major cities like Seattle and Portland and could cause catastrophic
A massive magnitude 9.0 subduction zone earthquake also could wreak havoc up and
down the 700–mile Cascadia coast from Southern British Columbia to Northern California.
The shaking would last two to four minutes and cause major damage to the entire
coastal infrastructure.
Like a true detective story, Cascadia's tale contains twists and turns that
have sent world-class scientists scrambling around the globe to understand and piece
together dramatic new evidence. From the bottom of the ocean to high tech satellites;
from historic and revealing clues in Alaska and Japan; to colorful and illuminating
Native American stories; Cascadia uncovers a hidden and dangerous story.
Eyewitness accounts from survivors of Alaska's great 1964 earthquake and tsunami
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CASCADIA: THE HIDDEN FIRE (56 minutes) is the riveting story of scientists
and ordinary people caught in extraordinary seismic events and discoveries around
the globe. And what these seismic detectives are learning about Cascadia will ultimately
benefit the two billion people that live in super-quake prone areas along the Pacific
Rim known as the Ring of Fire.
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"Praying for America"
How Your Prayers Can Change
the Course of a Nation
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America! A new day is upon us, and we will never
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More than ever, more of our citizens are praying to God for protection, for guidance,
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that America return to its roots and become a country that trusts in God and fears
no one but God Himself is as timely as it is timeless.
In Praying for America, this national prayer leader and best-selling author
exhorts the Church to remain watchful -- to discern what God is saying to the Church
and learn what His plans are for our families, our cities, and the land we love.
With the countries of the world behind us, we stand united, patriotic, and humbled
as a nation, ready to confront our future. Our spirit will not be broken; we shall
overcome. As we cry out to God for our future -- and the future of our children
-- may God bless America once again!
Find out more about "Praying
for America" here . . .
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Publisher, The Elijah List
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