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Your Most Radiant Glow Starts From Within

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Feb 26, 2014

Palm Beach Journal of Natural Beauty

Ancient Ayurvedic Beauty Secret

"Inside-Out" Beauty Breakthrough Rejuvenates Aging Skin
From Deep Below The Surface!

Dear Reader,

You won't hear this from most skin care experts...

Meet Al Sears, M.D.
Uniquely Qualified to Keep
You Healthier for Life

Dr sears

Al Sears, M.D., is a medical doctor and one of the nation's first board-certified anti-aging physicians.

In 2010, Dr. Sears unveiled his proven anti-aging strategies in Reset Your Biological Clock. As the first U.S. doctor licensed to administer a groundbreaking DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase, Dr. Sears made history by bringing telomere biology to the general public.

An avid lecturer, Dr. Sears regularly speaks at conferences sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG).

He is an author of 14 books, and enjoys a worldwide readership and has appeared on more than 50 national radio programs, ABC News and CNN.

But if all you're doing is the bare minimum for your skin — washing and toning —

You're fighting a losing battle.

Cleansers and toners alone can never give you the healthy skin and beautiful, fresh complexion most women dream of.

Because the dirt and pollutants that really wreak havoc on your healthy skin are attacking it from the inside — beneath the skin's surface - far out of reach of most exfoliants and beauty cleansers.

You see, you can restore and rejuvenate your youthful, radiant, glowing skin that used to turn heads when you were younger, but it takes MORE than simply a surface treatment. Your solution for a younger looking, flawless complexion is more complicated than your typical at home beauty treatment.

It has to go deeper than "skin deep".

Here's why... as you go through your day, layers of dirt, old sebum (your skin's oily secretion) and dead skin cells mix with makeup to leave a layer of grime. This noxious mixture clogs up pores, irritates and inflames.

You likely know this already...

But here's what you probably don't know — or at least won't hear from your average dermatologist or beauty guru...

This noxious grime that accumulates each day doesn't just sit on the top surface of your seeps down below and hides out in the deeper dermal and subcutaneous layers.

Worse yet, toxins in your blood team up with this trouble-making sludge. And together, they attack your skin from the inside... deep below the surface.

You're skin cells are being invaded from both directions, which speeds up the aging of your skin!

Fortunately, there's a solution to restore your radiant beauty.

Your natural skin care treatment helps. But they can't do it all by themselves! They can only help remove toxins and dirt on the outer layers of your skin.

If you want the most natural, fresh, youngest looking skin possible, you must address the more serious problems festering and damaging your skin far below the surface!

Because it's in these lower layers where skin problems start...

And — as I'm about to show you — it's the only place you can end them, too!

Environmental Acne, Ozone Wrinkles And More...

While most people in the beauty industry are hiding their heads in the sand, the evidence that skin damage starts below the surface of the skin has been proven again and again.

In 2009, in the Journal of Dermatoendocrinology, Chinese researchers pulled together a collection of case studies to demonstrate how pollutants we absorb can lead to breakouts in our skin.

As researchers and scientists have proven over and over again, pollutants and toxins we absorb from our environment can lodge in our fat tissues and leech out into our blood. These poisons cause our skin to develop stubborn blackheads, whiteheads and rashes.1

The authors of this study used the evidence to coin the term environmental acne.

In the study, they focused on a family of pervasive pollutants, called organochlorides. This group of toxins includes dioxin, PCB and Bisphenol A. While some of these poisons have been banned, they still show up consistently in blood and urine tests around the world.

None of us can avoid exposure to them! Not even newborn infants!

In fact, these organochlorides are found in the blood from umbilical cords! You can't escape them. You must fight back!

This particular study focused only on one group of toxins - but that's just the tip of the iceberg...

In today's toxic environment, our bodies are inundated with chemicals we've never had to deal with before.

Researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine looked at blood and urine samples of nine volunteers. They were just ordinary people. None of these volunteers lived or worked near factories.

On average each person stored 91 different toxic compounds.2

There's no question that this influx of toxins is wreaking havoc on our bodies and — where it's most visible and easy to see — on the health and appearance of our skin.

In fact, some researchers have shown that in addition to environmental acne, these pollutants also reduce the nutrients we need to protect our healthy skin...

  • UC Berkley researchers demonstrated that just 2 hours of exposure to the ozone depleted cells of vitamin E.3 Vitamin E is perhaps one of your skin's most important antioxidant protectors.
  • And researchers in Poland have demonstrated that the nutrient, hyaluronic acid, decreases with pollution exposure.4 Considered a "moisture-magnet", hyaluronic acid holds water inside your skin to keep it full, soft and moist. Without it, the results can be dehydrated skin cells that can cause lines and wrinkles.

When pollutants steal these kinds of nutrients away from your skin, your skin can't rebuild itself. As a result you get sags, wrinkles and creases along with the blemishes that come with environmental acne.

While this beneath the surface evidence is mounting, most skin care companies are turning a blind eye and focus only on topical solutions. Simple acne treatment isn't good enough.

And you're paying the price for this deliberate ignorance...

Because no matter how diligent you are about washing your face and choosing the right at- home beauty treatment or skin matter how careful you are in selecting products...

If you are only using topical, at home skincare surface treatments, your skin can still make you look like tired, wrinkled, pock-marked and older...

You still have to reach for concealer and foundation instead of showing off that healthy glow of vital beauty you're striving for.

I have to admit, for many years I got caught in this way of thinking as well. But when I saw that the washes and moisturizers I recommended weren't helping as much as they should, I knew I had to look deeper for the solution.

That's why I've developed a unique way to heal skin cells and make them look more radiant and youthful, when other products fail.

My inspiration comes from the 5000-year-old Indian Ayurvedic health sciences. I've put together a special process for beauty from the inside-out.

It's called Purity Beauty Cleanse.

Purity Beauty Cleanse can clean your skin in ways no topical cleanser, or at-home beauty treatment can. It helps

yes Draw out pollutants
yes Enhance your skin's defensive and self-cleaning mechanisms
yes Regenerate, rejuvenate, and restore your skin on the cellular level

It's a natural beauty detox.

So after a long day of being barraged by damaging pollutants from both the outside and the inside...

Your skin still glows with a radiant, younger looking appearance!

This special approach — this inside-out beauty cleanser - completes your skin care process. It adds the potent, vital cleansing action that works beneath the surface - where topical at-home skincare products cannot reach.

Here's how it works...

The 5000-Year-Old "New" Approach To Beauty

I came upon the overall concept of this unique, "inside-out" skin cleansing system a few years ago. I had traveled to India to visit one of the oldest medical schools in the world. My goal was to delve into what Indian physicians call the "Mother of Science" or Ayurveda.

At close to 6000 years old, Ayurveda is one of the oldest scientific systems in the world.

Now I want to be clear here — I'm not one to adopt an approach to health just because it sounds good. My conventional medical school training didn't even mention Ayurveda.

I look for clinical studies, credible data and proven facts to back up any medical science I embrace.

The evidence shows that hundreds of clinical and laboratory studies confirm many of the insights that form Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is different from western medicine in a significant way...

Unlike Western medicine that tries to break things down into tiny fragments isolated from systems or the whole body, Ayurveda sees the connection between all aspects of your health.

And when it comes to beauty and natural skin care, this larger, interconnected vision of health provides great insight...

In Ayurveda, physicians say,

"What You See On The Outside Reflects What's On The Inside"

The freshness, youth, and cleanliness of your skin reflect the freshness, youth and cleanliness inside your body!

See, most of us think of skin as a protective barrier — which it is.

But skin works the other way as well. Here's what I mean...

Along with the liver and the kidneys, your skin is a critical part of how your body cleans and purifies itself from the inside. It will remove toxins and waste from inside your body.

Every day, your blood brings a load of waste products and toxins from deep inside your body up to the surface of your skin so you can get rid of it in your sweat. In fact this process is so important to your body's cleaning process that your sweat can carry more waste products and remove toxins than your urine!

This internal cleansing system works fine when things are normal. Ordinarily, your skin should be able to do this job pretty well without you noticing a thing.

But in today's unbelievably toxic world, this is no longer true.

With so many pollutants in the air we breathe, our water, our food - even the natural skin care beauty products we apply on our skin — our body's internal cleansing systems cannot keep up with it all.

Your kidneys are taxed. Your liver is swamped...and your skin is totally overwhelmed.

The toxins circulating in your bloodstream are pushed out into your skin's sebaceous glands and pores, and they are stored there as your body desperately tries to rid itself of all these poisons.

But because there's so much of this filth coming through, this load backs up and blocks your normal elimination process - making it even harder for your skin to get rid of the waste.

As your skin's transport systems get clogged up, you start to see the results in the inflammation and eruptions on your face... the result is environmental acne.

But it gets worse...

As your skin gets clogged up, not only are you unable to get rid of the waste stuck inside the lower layers of your skin...

But these blockages prevent the good stuff from getting into your skin and nourishing it from within.

Critical nutrients circulating in your blood that could regenerate and renew your skin, can't get through...

You see it every day when you look in the mirror and don't love the look of the person staring back at you!

You feel frustrated because you've tried so hard, but your skin "isn't cooperating" — no matter what expensive at home beauty treatment you use!

That's where Purity Beauty Cleanse comes in. It's a complete toxin cleanse for your skin.

Purity works from the "inside-out". It helps your body clear away the excess waste clogging up your skin cells so they can finally breathe, live, and thrive once again.

It starts with Ayurveda's potent and proven herbal solutions!

Purity Beauty Cleanse delivers an internal skin cleansing and rejuvenating powerhouse ...

Ayurveda's Gentle Cleanser And Powerful Rejuvenator

Ayurveda has literally one solution that stands out above all others for cleansing your skin from the inside...

If you asked any Ayurvedic physician which herb you should take if you could only take one, he would undoubtedly recommend the botanical combination known as triphala. Triphala is considered the cornerstone when it comes to health, beauty and longevity.


Triphala's power to support this immune cell's work is critical in restoring your skin's power to regenerate new, healthy, younger looking cells.

Why is it so powerful?

Triphala purifies your body from the inside - like nothing else. And it manages to do this with a soft, nurturing touch.

Already revered among Ayurvedic physicians, this special cleansing and purifying herbal formula is now making headlines in scientific research journals.

Triphala supports a key immune cell that destroys and eliminates deceased, poisoned and damaged cells!*

After just 2 weeks of using triphala, clinical researchers noted it seems to maximally support the activity of one key immune cell in particular — the cytotoxic T cell.5*

This specialized immune cell is responsible for a critical job when it comes to purifying and cleaning your body, because it gets rid of the old, blocked cells crammed with toxic waste that are preventing your skin from healing itself.

Triphala's power to support this immune cell's work is critical in restoring your skin's power to regenerate new, healthy, younger looking cells.

Triphala also supports a healthy inflammatory response* and fights back against the damaging effects of radiation and free-radicals. Research shows that it delivers powerful antioxidant protection.6

Effectively it's the toxin cleanse or natural detox that your skin needs.

But that's not all Triphala does to help repair and renew your skin...

Thanks To Its "Wonder Berry", Triphala Rejuvenates

Triphala means "three fruits" because it combines three Indian fruits. Each one of these fruits —haritaki, bibitaki and amlak - is considered a nutritional superstar in Ayurvedic medicine!

Haritaki is considered the "King of Medicine" in Tibet. Women in India consider haritaki the "go-to" herb for healthy skin. It's a powerful antioxidant revered as a blood purifier, liver strengthener and tissue regenerator.

Bibitaki is another potent antioxidant. It is known traditionally for purifying blood, and it is also considered particularly vital in restoring balance inside your body.

The third fruit in this trio of nutritional superstars is triphala's amlaki. It's known as the "Wonder Berry".

Ayurveda's ancient text, the Charaka Samhita, describes amlaki as the best of all the rejuvenating herbs.

Amlaki is your front-line of defense against the insults and toxic invaders of this polluted world.

Even Western science is now confirming this...

In several preliminary studies, researchers have been amazed to witness how amlaki helped speed up tissue regeneration.7,8 It has a higher concentration of vitamin C than any other plant on the planet, and in addition, this wonder berry seems to help support your body's production of collagen.*

In fact, amlaki is so helpful in tissue rebuilding, several preliminary studies on mice have showed it seemed to speed up tissue repair after arsenic poisoning.* That means, it may be able to help your toxin damaged skin tissue to look like new again.9

It's much better than an at home beauty treatment or an acne treatment.

But amlaki helps your skin even more than that. It helps purify your body in several ways. Amlaki helps digestion and absorption, strengthens your liver and supports your urinary tract health as well.*

The clinical evidence is clear, the Triphala in Purity Beauty Cleanse can

yes Help you clean your blood, and damaged blocked skin cells,*
yes Remove all those toxins you've been accumulating;* and
yes Help your skin rebuild itself from the inside-out.*

Purity Beauty Cleanse Gives You An All-Star Cleaning Crew

Now you can enjoy the beauty that comes only with inner purity. I've formulated a complete all-star cleaning crew. Botanicals that gently and effectively work together to give your entire body a thorough "internal spring cleaning".

In addition to triphala, the Purity Beauty Cleanse formula gives you:

Additional bowel support from Cape aloe latex and cascara sagrada - Cape aloe is considered one of the most active aloes in the world. Not only is its latex helpful when it comes to constipation, it also has properties that help support a healthy inflammatory response.*10

Cascara sagrada is considered one of nature's safest and gentlest constipation aids. It works so well that, during World War II, it was standard issue for soldiers in the U.S. Army.

When carefully dried, the cascara sagrada bark safely stimulates the muscles of your intestines to contract and help move waste through your digestive tract.*11

Kidney-nurturing Chinese rhubarb root - This special root performs a very specific role in helping your body remove toxins. It seems to target and help clean up the toxins created by bacteria — called endotoxins.

This is especially important to help purify your kidneys - one of your body's most important detoxifying organs.

Clinical trials have shown that Chinese rhubarb root does an extraordinary job keeping your kidneys healthy no matter what kind of challenges they're facing.*12

Detoxifying black radish root and pau d'arco bark - These two toxin cleansers boost your body's detoxifying systems, helping remove toxins. Pau d'arco seems to strengthen your liver so it can remove toxins from fats effectively. And black radish root seems to stimulate production of your body's toxin-neutralizing enzymes.*13 Putting these two together is like putting your body's cleanup crew into high gear.

Calming, cool marshmallow - Science has revealed, that this special gel helps rebuild your skin. It seems to foster the regeneration of connective tissue.*14 And it also brings potent antioxidant power to work for you which helps to neutralize free radicals.*15


Flaxseed also helps to cleanse your kidneys, liver and colon.*

Finally, also from Ayurvedic medicine, one of your skin's favorite foods - flaxseed. Flaxseed has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. It helps keep skin radiantly healthy and supports a healthy inflammatory response.*

Earlier I told you about how much waste is eliminated in your sweat. Well, flaxseed is used to help clean out and clear the sweat glands so that they can flow freely, and help you eliminate toxins, poisons, and pollutants naturally.* Flaxseed also helps to cleanse your kidneys, liver and colon.*

Ayurvedic physicians particularly like using flaxseed for helping to calm down and rebuild sensitive skin.16 And Western research is confirming this use.

In one 2-week trial with women who had sensitive skin, regular supplementation with flaxseed helped reduce the skin's sensitivity while increasing its protective abilities.* The mechanism for this is still a mystery, but the evidence is apparent. It may be due to these tiny seeds' high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are powerful anti-inflammatories.

Here is another significant cleansing benefit from flaxseed...

Since it has high amounts of fiber and lubricating gel, it is considered nature's kindest constipation aid.*17

Get The Kind Of Beauty No Makeup Can Mimic!

Together, Purity Beauty Cleanse gives you a combination of gentle herbs to cleanse your cells, blood, organs, and colon* and help you achieve the fresh, youthful, radiant beauty that makes you glow and feel confident that you are always putting your best face forward.

Purity Beauty Cleanse helps you clean and revive your skin from the inside-out.

With this gentle yet effective deep cleansing formula, you can get fresh, youthful, natural beauty deep from within - no makeup needed!

Simply take Purity Beauty Cleanse once a day. It's an easy-to-swallow capsule, and the unique, one-of-a-kind, cleansing formula will help you cleanse your colon, strengthen your kidneys, purify your liver, and rebuild healthy, younger looking skin tissue*. It's an all-natural beauty detox.

Use Purity Beauty Cleanse for a week to ten days and you'll see results from within that will give you healthy skin that glows with a youthful beauty and radiance you never thought possible.

yes Soft, smooth, healthy skin,*
yes A more youthful appearance,
yes Diminished wrinkles and fine lines,*
yes And a natural, fresh glow!*

Only by cleaning your skin from the inside-out can you get clear natural looking skin and see this kind of pure radiance.

You Are Not The Only One Who Will Notice!

You might be amused to catch coworkers studying your face when they think you're not looking... trying to figure out what's so different about you...wondering what you changed... if it's a new love interest?... a new workout routine?...or is it something else?

Only you will know the secret to why you glow with healthy, youthful beauty.

And here's the best thing, cleaning from within will help your skin absorb and take advantage of all the other high quality, topical lotions you use. These can be very expensive and now you can get the most for your money!

So in a sense, you could be just about doubling the effect of all the other natural skin care products you're using!

Imagine hearing your spouse whispering in your ear, "You look so lovely tonight..." and then lightly caressing your cheek with that look you can't resist.

Now, how much is all that worth to you?

It may be priceless... I know of quite a few women who go to expensive day spas for $200, even $500 a day, in preparation for a romantic weekend getaway. And those kinds of treatments still don't help your skin from the inside-out like Purity Beauty Cleanse does.

That's why I'm sure you'll know what a great value Purity Beauty Cleanse is.

It's a truly value-packed offer when it comes to investing in your beauty!

And here's the thing...while I've explained to you how Purity Beauty Cleanse helps to clear up, restore, and rejuvenate your skin, that's just the beginning!

You'll also experience...

yes More comfortable digestion so meals are always enjoyable;
yes A boost of energy that makes it easier to bring your workout up a notch and get things done.

In fact, when it comes down to it, you'll feel an overall sense of wellbeing after using this cleanse.

Now just to be clear, it's not something I recommend doing all the time. Purity Beauty Cleanse is to be used periodically along with other healthy skin-purifying lifestyle changes — like a clean diet, exercise, saunas and drinking lots of water.

I recommend you take Purity Beauty Cleanse for only 7-10 days every few months or so.

While these herbs are gentle, they are used for restoring balance and purity. Herbs like cascara sagrada, cape aloe and Chinese rhubarb are not meant to be taken for more than a week or ten days at a time. Otherwise they can shift things too far in one direction, irritating your digestive tract.

But taken for a week, they are literally just what the doctor ordered. The perfect recipe for helping to effectively and gently cleanse your body. So it can move on to the process of restoring and rejuvenating your skin—giving you healthy skin.

Now I know this inside-out solution may be a bit of a novel approach to skin care. And while I've shown you the evidence and explained to you how important it is to cleanse yourself from the inside to help rejuvenate and restore your youthful glow on the outside...

I also understand you might be a little nervous about trying something new.

That's why I always include my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:

There Is No Risk With My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You must be completely satisfied that Purity Beauty Cleanse has transformed your skin and helped it appear healthier, more youthful, and radiant — Or your money back. No questions asked!

Try Purity Beauty Cleanse. And if, for any reason, you are unhappy with the results simply send back the bottle - even if it's totally used up - empty - and we'll promptly refund your payment.

This is my promise to you. I only formulate solutions that work. However, I also understand everybody is different. If Purity Beauty Cleanse doesn't work for you, I don't want you to feel stuck.

On the other hand, I'd hate for you to miss out on this powerful "inside-out" approach to rejuvenating and restoring the beauty of your skin simply because you were worried about it not working.

That's why I make sure all the risk is on me. Not you.

See how Purity Beauty Cleanse works for yourself — completely risk free.

Don't Let Another Week Go By Without Looking Your Best!

You're probably eager to get started with Purity Beauty Cleanse. I know, because I've seen the anticipation in the faces of so many of my patients when they get this beauty detox in their hands. It's NEVER too soon to get started on something that promises to bring renewed youthfulness and pure beauty to your skin.

And you don't have to wait very long ...

All you have to do to see how Purity Beauty Cleanse can transform your skin— from the "inside-out" — is to click on the link below and order.

The Pure Radiance fulfillment department is waiting to process your order.

Simply take 1-2 capsules a day, drink lots of water and watch Purity Beauty Cleanse get to work...

Within days, you'll start to get rid of the internal sludge and benefit from healthy skin! Take it for a week and you'll really start to notice the difference this natural beauty cleanse makes!

By the end of the week, your skin will be cleaned from the inside out and allow your true beauty to shine..

And even after you stop using it, the results just keep getting better and better as your purified body continues to work as it was intended and cleanse itself thanks to a healthier liver, colon, kidney and — of course — skin.

So don't delay enjoying the pleasure of seeing what Purity Beauty Cleanse can do for you.

I look forward to hearing about your results!

Experience the kind of beauty that comes from deep inside!

To Your Good Health,

Dr. Sears Signature

Quick Response Bonus

Al Sears, MD

P.S. Special Bonus for Quick Response

Because I want you to get the most out of Purity Beauty Cleanse, I've put something special together for you...I've just released a special report called The Beauty Detox Miracle.

The tips you find in here work synergistically with Purity Beauty Cleanse. I normally sell it for $14.99, but I've decided to add it to this offer as a special gift with each purchase. If you order within the next 10 days, I'll send The Beauty Detox Miracle to you FREE. It's full of invaluable information for any woman who considers health an integral part of looking beautiful.

In this report, you'll discover:

yes The critical step missing from your beauty routine... this could be the difference between a bright, youthful complexion or dull, sallow skin that can make you look and feel years older than you are.
yes Six simple steps you can take RIGHT NOW to have radiant, younger looking skin...
yes Eight of the most powerful "skin" foods. These anti-aging foods can heal blemishes, prevent sun damage, and slow or even stop fine lines and wrinkles from forming on your skin.

P.P.S. In just the few minutes you've been reading this letter, you've been exposed to even more toxins — as you digest your food, breathe and even through your skin! And as you sit there, those toxins are attacking your skin from the inside out. You must fight back!

With my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, there's absolutely no risk to you to see for yourself the difference Purity Beauty Cleanse can make. The only risk is that you wait too long while the toxins and poisons get unrestricted access to attack your skin.

And as a special courtesy to you, we're also offering some very special deals for a limited time only...

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1 Qiang J et al. Environmental Pollutants And Acne: Chloracne. Dermatoendocrinol. 2009 May-Jun; 1(3): 125-128. PMCID: PMC2835904
2 Body Burden. Environmental Working Group. January 2003.
3 Scalise K. Skin ailments linked to air pollution in new UC Berkeley study. UC Berkeley website. NEWS RELEASE, 2/24/97
4 Wardas M. The influence of environmental pollution on the amount of glycosoaminoglycans in the tissue of palatine tonsils. Pathol Res Pract. 2002;198(6):425-7.
5 Phetkate P et al. Significant Increase in Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Natural Killer Cells by Triphala: A Clinical Phase I Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012 (2012),
6 Jagetia GC et al. The evaluation of the radioprotective effect of Triphala (an ayurvedic rejuvenating drug) in the mice exposed to gamma-radiation. Phytomedicine. 2002 Mar;9(2):99-108.
7 Sumitra M et al. Emblica officinalis exerts wound healing action through up-regulation of collagen and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2). Wound Repair Regen. 2009 Jan-Feb;17(1):99-107. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2008.00446.x.
8 Kumar MS et al. Triphala promotes healing of infected full-thickness dermal wound. J Surg Res. 2008 Jan;144(1):94-101. Epub 2007 Jul 27.
9 Singh MK et al. Immunomodulatory role of Emblica officinalis in arsenic induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in thymocytes of mice. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Jul 27;13:193. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-13-193.
10 Speranza G et al. Aloeresin I, an anti-inflammatory 5-methylchromone from cape aloe. Planta Med. 2005 Jan;71(1):79-81.
11 Phaneuf H. Herbs Demystified. Marlowe & Company: New York, 2005. P. 60
12 Leishi Li et al. End-stage renal disease in China Kidney International (1996) 49, 287-301; doi:10.1038/ki.1996.41
13 Hanlon PR et al. Aqueous extract from Spanish black radish (Raphanus sativus L. Var. niger) induces detoxification enzymes in the HepG2 human hepatoma cell line. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Aug 8;55(16):6439-46. Epub 2007 Jul 6.
14 Deters A et al. Aqueous extracts and polysaccharides from Marshmallow roots (Althea officinalis L.): cellular internalisation and stimulation of cell physiology of human epithelial cells in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Jan 8;127(1):62-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.09.050. Epub 2009 Sep 30.
15 Kardosova A et al. Antioxidant activity of medicinal plant polysaccharide. Fitoterapia. 2006 Jul;77(5):367-73. Epub 2006 May 24.
16 Flax Seeds In Ayurveda. Home of Ayurveda. Viewed 12/10 at
17 Phaneuf H. Herbs Demystified. Marlowe & Company: New York, 2005. P. 123

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To learn more about Pure Radiance, Inc., call (888) 795-4005 or visit:

For a list of ingredients for this product, click here.

To see the guarantee for this product, click here.

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Your order will be processed on the Al Sears site.
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