From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This word by Reeni Mederos spoke to my inner-being. It literally crushes the carnal thoughts we war with and brings our thoughts back to His... after all, His are much higher as you'll read below. I am sure many of you will be deeply touched and moved by this word and it will speak to you right where you are at. "Supernatural Intelligence" is being released.
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Reeni Mederos:
Supernatural Intelligence
Help is on the Way
The Lord is saying, "Lift up your heads and receive your strength! I am giving you a new vigor and a new strategy. There is a new dimension of strength, power and intelligence that I am releasing to My people in this hour. A new way of thinking and a new view of your future. I have not left you helpless, for I am your help even in the extreme of circumstances. Take on the new mind and strength that I am giving to you today and wear it as a cloak of honor," says the Lord.
"Gaze upon the beauties of Heaven that belong to you, and be strengthened in your heart, and see My hand moving mightily in your midst. You are My move in the earth and I will move through you, each of you, even as I have heard your heart cry and distress. See what I will do for you. Supernatural strength and supernatural intelligence I desire to give you freely for the taking. Expect it and anticipate it. Help is on the way."
God says in His Word in Isaiah 55:9, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." It also says in Isaiah 55:6 to "seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near." This reveals God's heart for us in two ways. First, God is calling us to seek Him out. Secondly, God is revealing that there is something to be found out by us. There is something He wants to reveal to us. There is something we don't know and have yet to discover, and it is His desire to reveal it.
God is calling us to go beyond our natural ability to find out what that something is. We can dare to tap into His "higher intelligence," because there are things we need to know that are vital for our future – and the only way to receive that kind of supernatural knowledge is to humble ourselves and fervently seek Him with all our hearts. It is in that place where we will receive the impartation of God's "supernatural intelligence" from His mind to ours.
He has given us the incredible opportunity to tap into the conversation of the Godhead and to listen in on the strategy of His heart and what He is thinking and planning for our lives when we genuinely come to the Lord to inquire of Him, of His heart, of His mind and His thoughts in the time of our extreme need. It is an invitation to come up higher in our "mental" and "spiritual" capacity, because He knows our human limitations but also knows what wonderful things we are capable of. He freely gives us His divine wisdom, direction and strength if we seek Him for it, realizing He is the ultimate intelligence we could ever obtain – and He knows exactly what we need. He will not only cause us to be in sync with His ways and thoughts, but He will also position us to receive the answers to our petitions and situations that are seemingly impossible to the natural mind.
Strength to Endure End Time Pressures
Something very different and very unusual is metamorphosing in the Body of Christ. There is a supernatural strength that God is gracing His people with to endure the "warfare pressures" of these end times. These "pressures" actually cause the human spirit and mental state to go to another level of capacity where you are compelled to draw upon God's supernatural intelligence, as well as His strength, that is beyond natural human ability.
This "supernatural intelligence" kicks into gear when you have given all that you have and God takes what you offer Him and transforms it into something other than what is natural for you. It is like a turbo blast of His grace and energy to your spirit that affects your physical and mental being where you have exhausted all your efforts, resources and ability. It is the place where you come to the end of yourself and you know you are no longer in control and no longer operating on natural ability, but you realize there is something else that is going on inside of you, causing you to push beyond your natural limits and push beyond the extreme.
The pressures of the economy, family situations, losing jobs and losing homes, have all contributed to this "press in the spirit" that forces you to your knees so that you can receive the help that you need. It is a call to prayer, but it is also a call to relinquish human control and allow the Lord to take over to produce the desired results.
One of the reasons many are experiencing phenomenal end time pressures is because it has to do with the times we are living in. The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:14, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." There is a manifestation of birthing in the spirit that is causing both good and bad pressures. God's knowledge is increasing and all of Hell is trembling. In the process, God's people are feeling and experiencing the birth pangs of those pressures in their personal lives. This can many times cause a person to be exhausted from the warfare and be emptied out of the sufficient strength needed to cope with the situation and move forward to advance.
Where the Scripture says, "The earth will be filled," it means there has to first be an emptying out or a void that is present in order to receive that filling. "Pressures" can cause the process of being emptied out because you are being exhausted of your natural ability, and when you are empty, you are ready to receive the fullness of what God has in store. Pressure is not only something humans experience but is also manifested in creation itself. These "pressures" also manifest in earthquakes, unusual storms and an increase in demonic activity throughout the earth. But God promised to fill the earth with His knowledge and His glory and will eventually overtake anything contrary to that knowledge.
There is something built into the spirit of every Believer where God can cause a person to tap into what goes beyond natural ability. Because of the pressures of the end times and personal warfare of the Believer, it also causes each person to press into the Lord more than ever before by necessity. As a result, there is a higher intelligence that is manifested because those pressures push you to a deeper relationship with God if you allow God to do His work within you. There is also a pressure in the enemy's camp because his time is limited as he sends out his attacks against the people of God to try and stop the move of the Holy Spirit, which he cannot. In the process, God's people are experiencing extra warfare pressures as the end time onslaughts of the enemy are released.
We also see manifestations of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord in the natural realm through technology and the rapid growth rate and intelligence of each new generation. We also see heightened national security threats and increased hatred toward Christians through the tearing down of godly foundations in the schools and in the laws of the land. We know that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is spreading everywhere as the Kingdom of God is aggressively advancing and causing tremendous havoc on the enemy.
It is the knowledge of the glory of the Lord that is a threat to the kingdom of darkness, causing it to manifest greater attacks. Because there is a greater release of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord in the earth, we also see an increase of the enemy's counterfeit knowledge to try to divert people's attention and focus off of the Lord through enticements and deceptions. It is no wonder the enemy of our souls is working overtime against us.
There is a broad spectrum of "increase" that is growing in the realm of "knowledge" as we endure the "press" of daily pressures, which are actually good for us and not something to be afraid of if our hearts are synchronized with the Lord's heart. God doesn't cause the warfare, but many times He allows it to cause us to be strengthened for the battle. There is just something about "pressure" that brings about another level of capacity that we would not otherwise realize and experience if it were not for that pressure being present and pushing us to the limit. It is a type of "spiritual muscle building" that involves not only the muscle of spiritual exercise, but also involves the supernatural exercise of our brain, as it is affected beyond natural limits causing us to think "higher" as we obtain the divine knowledge and strategies we need from the Lord.
God Wants to Step into the Driver's Seat
God made the human spirit to be very enduring and many of us have gone through hardships where we can say, "That experience caused me to grow and made me into what I am today." Even painful situations cause us to grow on a level where "easy going pleasures" cannot. It has a way to "press" and "squeeze" the anointing out of you as every outer shell is crushed to pieces. Eventually it will cause you to break, and it is at that breaking point where you are spilled out before the Lord. It is the place where you give up control and He then takes complete control. This dynamic is really a natural process of faith having its perfect work, but sometimes we don't like it because it doesn't feel so good when we are going through it, but the Lord is saying:
"Hold on! I have graced you and equipped you for the battle, and though the battle is not yet over, I have already declared that you have won. I did not create you for defeat, but on the contrary, I have designed you for endurance, for grace, for expansion and for success. I will cause new measures of creativity to flow out of you to help you in your personal need but also to be a blessing to others in times of their need. I have given you everything you need to walk out your breakthrough. I will not leave you helpless or hopeless. I am walking with you every step of the way and you will begin to experience a supernatural grace upon you as never before. It is tangible and it is real and I have ordained it for you to receive this day," says the Lord.
God is bringing us to new "pressure points" in our personal lives so that He can step into the driver's seat and then thrust us into that "turbo" mode that goes beyond ourselves. If God thinks higher than us and His ways are higher than ours, then there are obviously things that go on beyond our natural understanding and mental capacity that we just can't figure out on our own, and we must tap into the conversation of the Godhead to find the strategy of the Lord. The only choice we have is to trust God and to flow with His thoughts and His ways, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it. It is all part of God's effort to bless us in the end, but He has to allow us to go through a process of the "press" before all the "goodies" can be poured out.
One of the hardest things for the human nature is to learn how to yield and relinquish control to God. It is human nature to want to be in control, but God is asking us to give the control over to Him. He basically wants to get the glory for all He does in our lives so that we will know that it was totally God and could not happen any other way than through His sovereign assistance. It is God's pleasure to give us the Kingdom, and part of enjoying the pleasures of the Kingdom of God is to "let go and let God" where we can experience righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and God can have His complete work in us.
God Hears Our Hearts
There are many in the Body of Christ going though the "pressure cooker of life," especially because of the economy and many other situations, but the encouragement from the Lord is similar to the help that was on the way for Daniel (Daniel 10:10-21). Daniel prayed for 21 days and his prayers were heard from his first utterance to seek out understanding from the Lord, but there was resistance and warfare in the heavenlies that occurred before he finally got his divine message supernaturally delivered to him.
In Daniel 10:12, the angel messenger said to Daniel, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." Daniel had "set his mind" to "gain understanding." He knew it was beyond his natural ability to produce the knowledge that he needed that would be the key in his time of need. He humbled himself and inquired of the Lord and sought out after God's supernatural intelligence to be imparted to him, Spirit to spirit. God heard his heart cry from the first day he made the decision to seek supernatural understanding, which could only come from God as he humbled himself and persevered without wavering. It was imperative for Daniel to seek out and gain this understanding because it affected his future.
In, Daniel 10:14, the angel says to him, "Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come." As we each make the decision to seek the Lord and His supernatural wisdom for our situations, God many times reveals keys and secrets to our future. If we do not press in and press through the press, we may forfeit a part of our future, and that could also affect our families and ministry. This is a time to welcome the "pressure" and to "press through the pressure" to receive the supernatural and divine intelligence we need to wage a good warfare in these last days.
We have all cried out at some time or another to be the containers of the glory of God, and yet when God answers our prayer, we don't see that manifest in the way we expected it. We usually experience some kind of "warfare" or "pressure" before the manifestation of God's glory actually shows up on the scene. Sometimes we think God will give us goose bumps or we will have some spectacular supernatural experience. But in reality, it is the "pressure" of that warfare that is needed to trigger us into a place of existing on a new level with God – and we witness the fruit of righteousness it produces that is eternal and rewarding if we don't give up. So many people forfeit their blessing or supernatural strategy given from the Lord simply because they give up too soon or too easily. God is saying:
"Don't run away from the warfare, but run into it and press through the fire until the manifestation of your miracle is in your possession. I will release to you your healing, your miracle, your provision, your restoration and your breakthrough as you humble yourself, seek My face and inquire of Me with fervency, tenacity and absolute necessity."
In the End Something Bigger and Greater is Produced
Pressure really is good for us in the end because it produces something inside that is bigger and greater than what can be seen in the natural realm and has a way of building a greater capacity of the mind and spirit to handle whatever situations that may come our way. It is part of the equipping package God endowed us with when we first enlisted in the army of God; it is the maturing process we all go through; but mostly it is the love of God reaching out as He waits patiently for each one of us to take His hand so that He can pull us out of whatever it is we are facing or have no answers for. Sometimes it is a simple change in our perspective to see from God's point of view what He is doing as His divine messages are sent to us by His Spirit.
This is a supernatural occurrence: to be given the mind of Christ for an impossible situation when we need it the most. God is ready and willing to give each person exactly what they need, and it is definitely not too difficult for God to make it happen where and when you need it the most.
Blessings in Christ,
Reeni Mederos
Warriors International, Inc.
Reeni Mederos is an anointed and seasoned apostolic prophet ordained through Christian International who flows with a deep fiery prophetic psalmist anointing that releases a passionate love for Christ in her spontaneous worship over cities, regions and nations piercing individual lives as her mission is "dedicated to raising up a new breed of warriors for the new millennium." Founder of Warriors International, Inc., and Warriors International University Online School of Prophets, Reeni has been activating the Body of Christ into God's supernatural power and anointing for over 20 years with her online schools and on-location prophetic activation encounters helping others to discover and fulfill their God given destiny. Reeni travels both nationally and internationally and currently lives in the Atlanta area where her ministry is based. Reeni has been married for 25 years with her husband, Rob Mederos, and has three children who work as a family team unit fulfilling God's call to the nations.